Streaming Service: Netflix
Movie Name/Year: Metal Lords (2022)
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Music
Length: 97 minutes
Rating: R
Production/Distribution: Bighead Littlehead, Netflix
Director: Peter Sollett
Writer: D.B. Weiss
Actors: Jaeden Martell, Adrian Greensmith, Isis Hainsworth, Noah
Urrea, Brett Gelman, Analesa Fisher, Michelle Mao, Phelan Davis, Austin Huynh,
Joe Manganiello, Teddy Van Ee, Aroon Nagappan, Kieran Thomas, Christopher M.
Lopes, Rachel Pate
Blurb from IMDb: Two friends try to form a
heavy metal band with a cellist for a Battle of the Bands.
Selina’s Point of View:
It’s hard for me
to ignore some of the parallels between
Metal Lords and my favorite film
of all time.
Punk (1998) was a
love letter to the punk lifestyle and the music that birthed it. As a budding
punk in high school, it spoke to me on a whole other level than most films. (I
didn’t see it when it came out, it was a few years later.) It covered how the
main characters got into the music, where that chaos took them, and where they
ended up. On a more general level, it went into the very heart and soul of what
punk was.
Lords does the same
thing for its music genre. There are some definite differences though.
For one, the
characters are younger in
Metal Lords. That means the R-rating
represents the language a little more than anything else. There’s a touch of
nudity, but anything sex-related is, thankfully, insinuated.
Because the
characters are younger, there’s also a lot more cringe involved. The teens are
fighting their own emotions and causing a different kind of unintentional chaos.
As a result, it feels like it’s for a younger demographic – although it’s
really not.
That was the big
thing that kept me from enjoying
Metal Lords on the same level as
Punk. I hate cringe. I cannot stress that enough. Those parts of this movie
really were not for me.
That said, the
movie wasn’t made for me. I could never be classified as a metalhead. I do like
my music loud and fast, but with a bit less structure and some base-level politics
thrown in. I like to sing-yell at specific things, not just into the void. Though,
I have nothing against metal either. There’s a little Pantera on my list, and I
had a Sepultura phase.
Still, even
without tapping into the nostalgia some of my friends might get out of this
flick, it was decent. Just because it’s not unseating
SLC Punk as my
all-time fav, doesn’t mean I didn’t enjoy it.
A lot of moments
really subverted expectations. Even in the end, when it looked like
Lords might take the road most traveled, it had a last ‘fuck you’ ready. I
can appreciate that.
It was a love
letter to all things metal. As a result, metal fans might enjoy it best – but there’s
enough in there for people just looking for a coming-of-age story.
Cat’s Point of View:
Let me tell you –
Metal Lords made my inner metalhead very happy.
I adored this
story from beginning to end and found myself relating with the characters on
multiple levels. Honestly, I don’t think you have to be a die-hard fan of the
heavy metal genre to connect with this movie. Though, if you are – it’s that
much more fun of a ride. The heavy metal music homework list that is featured
Metal Lords is a well-deserved shout-out to some classic hard-hitting
Lords was one of those
movies that made me wish I knew how to play real drums rather than the
imaginary air variety. I just wanted to jam out.
There were
elements of a coming-of-age tale, dealing with dysfunctional family dynamics,
and the struggle of high school and finding your voice all woven into a
slamming tapestry of sound and laced with humor.
The cast didn’t
disappoint, either.
I was absolutely
astonished that Metal Lords was the breakout role for Adrian Greensmith, who plays
the role of Hunter. This was one hell of a debut and I hope he keeps up this
impressive level of work. Isis Hainsworth (
A Midsummer Night's Dream, Emma.,
Misbehaviour) really captured my attention with her performance as well.
Jaeden Martell (
The Book of Henry, Knives Out, Defending Jacob) was a
solid choice and captured the heart of
Metal Lords’ essence with his
Oh, and then
there’s Joe Manganiello (
Jay and Silent Bob Reboot, Archenemy, Koati).
His scenes were more than just a cameo from a trendy actor that could fit the
intimidating character.
Metal Lords capitalized on his wry humor to
drive home its message. Metal-loving kids aren’t fucked up just because they
like noisy music. There’s more to that but I don’t want to give away spoilers.
Hats off to the
production team as a whole, seriously. I loved the care that was put into
everything. Even the posters on the wall were epic. Costuming was on point.
There were so many nuances that helped this flick hit all the right notes.
Just keep in mind
that while this story does focus on the teenage experience, there are bits that
might make it problematic for younger audiences - primarily the language
content. That’s really the only overtly explicit element.
I can’t wait to
Metal Lords again with my family. (My husband is a bigger
metalhead than I am.) I am certainly not regretting listing this on my personal
Top 20 Movies Coming Out in April - I just wish I'd listed it higher than #12.
Rotten Tomatoes Critic Score – 61%
Rotten Tomatoes Audience Score – 83%
Metascore – 57%
Metacritic User Score – 7.1
IMDB Score – 6.8/10
Trust the Dice: Selina’s Rating – 4.5/5
Trust the Dice: Cat’s Rating – 4.5/5
Movie Trailer:
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