Number Rolled: 54
Movie Name/Year: High
School Musical (2006)
Genre: Children
& Family
Length: 97
Rating: G
Director: Kenny
Writer: Peter
Actors: Zac
Efron, Vanessa Hudgens, Ashley Tisdale, Lucas Grabeel, Corbin Bleu, Monique
Coleman, Bart Johnson, Alyson Reed, Chris Warren Jr., Olesya Rulin, Ryne
Sanborn, Socorro Herrera, Joey Miyashima, Leslie Wing, KayCee Stroh, Anne
Kathryn Parma, Nick Whitaker, Falon Grace
Troy is the quintessential jock, at least to the rest of his
school mates. Gabriella, having met him over Christmas vacation, knows
differently. After unlocking in each other the desire to sing, they face a
challenge. Looking to sing together in the high school musical, they test the
restraints of the teenage hierarchy and the caste system of their school.
This movie came out to such mixed reviews that I HAD to add
it to my instant queue. Young teens and children loved this movie so much it
catapulted the leads (Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens) into being nearly
house-hold names. On the other hand, older teens and adults turned their nosed
up in disgust. In fact, the mere attempt to bring this movie up around people
in certain age groups tends to draw the same ire as Twilight. You know what? That’s
a good comparison. They’re both movies that everyone seems to hate in public,
but that have undeniably become ridiculously popular.
I didn’t get it. Before I watched “High School Musical” I
had no idea how so many people could absolutely adore it while others thought
it was bottom of the barrel trash. I’ve never actually met someone who had an “on
the fence” opinion about it; hate or love, if there’s any opinion in the
middle, I haven’t found it.
I won’t lie; I gave in to everything I’d heard. I’m
twenty-eight years old; I’m obviously not hanging around teenagers, so just
about everything I heard made it seem like it would be the worst movie in
creation. This wasn’t the first time I attempted to watch it. I’ve actually
turned it on about six times before now and wound up turning it off within the first
ten minutes. That’s not something I’m proud of, but it’s what happened. I gave
in to peer pressure.
All that said I’m glad I rolled it because it cleared up the
mystery for me. I get it now. I completely understand why the world has
love/hate relationship with this movie. Furthermore, I see both points of view.
Technically, this movie is so parallel to Grease, that I
have chosen to believe it is paying homage to it. One reviewer stated, “There's
no denying the tween audience was hungering for this movie, without even
knowing it.” (Groucho Reviews, Peter Canavese) I don’t think anyone else could
have put it better. My generation was still growing up with “Grease.” The
original came out in 1978, but its sequel came out in 1982, just a year before
I was born. We had that silly, musical, “be yourself” film. By the 90’s,
younger kids were starting to look for the same thing and it’s a shame they
didn’t get anything until 2006. “High School Musical” is like the kid-version
of “Grease”; the same thing, just about the same plot, with more overacting and
a different demographic.
On the hate side of the coin, it’s easy to be angry with
this movie. With such obvious parallels to a timeless classic, the movie didn’t
hold a candle to it. I like both Hudgens and Efron. I’ve seen them in other
movies and have absolutely adored them. Efron absolutely stole my heart as
Richard Samuels in “Me and Orson Wells,” and Hudgens was out of this world as
Blondie in “Sucker Punch.” However, in this movie, they barely made me care at
all. The other actors were even worse. It was like watching, not to be cute, a
high school play. Maybe that’s what they were going for; if it was they made a
big mistake. The characters ultimately lacked depth, as well.
On the love side, the message delivered by this movie was
outstanding. “Grease” gave one story but, with the same basic plot and even
with all its parallels, “High School Musical” really had a better moral.
Perhaps because it was geared toward a much younger audience, this movie made
it clear that there was a lesson to be learned. Add to that some catchy music
and even the parts that are so bad they’re difficult to watch, make the rest of
it worth it.
The sad truth is that I liked the moral better than the
movie. Of course, I’m not the target demographic, so maybe that’s not such a
bad thing. The problem is, how to rate it?
I’ve decided to use my average rating as the “Overall
Opinion.” For children who are 15 or younger, I rate this move a 4.5, easy; for
anyone older than that, I rate this movie a 2, maybe a 2.5.
Overall Opinion – 3.5/5
P.S. There’s an extra scene after the credits finish