Number Rolled: 81
Movie Name/Year: Extinction: The G.M.O. Chronicles (2011)
Genre: Sci-fi
& Fantasy
Length: 114
Rating: R
Director: Niki
Writer: Ralf
Betz, Niki Drozdowski
Actors: Daniel
Buder, Luise Bahr, Jerry Coyle, Klaus Ebert, Christian Stock, Bina Milas,
Tobias Kay, Lee Rychter, Georg Marin, Heinrich Baumgartner, Eva-Marie Becker,
Boris Banischewski, Mathis Trapp, Jenny Krauser, Patrick Molleken, Charles F.
Wagner IV, Mustafa Sindi
The world has come to its near end as a virus that combines
the genes of plants, animals and humans is released on the population. As
humans mutate, a zombie-like effect is caused and few people are able to
survive. One man attempts to be one of the rare ones, hoping to find other
survivors immune to the illness.
There were parts of this movie that weren’t bad. The actors
were horrible and the script was a little redundant at times, but there were
some interesting takes on the general “zombie” idea. Essentially, this was
indeed a zombie movie, though they took the origin in a completely different direction
than I’ve seen in the past. However much I wanted to enjoy that unique look on
my favorite popular topic, it was difficult to see this movie as anything but
True, there was some amazing creativity in the background,
if not the actual plot, but I couldn’t force myself to care. I found myself
relating to none of the characters. It might as well have been a dry
documentary with a monotone voice over about people that are never fully
explained. When you can’t connect enough to characters to care if they live or
die, what’s the point of the movie?
Netflix’s Prediction for Me – 2.9/5
Rotten Tomatoes Critic Score – None
Rotten Tomatoes Audience Score – 67%
Trust-the-Dice Score – 2/5
P.S. Although Netflix lists the name of this movie as simply
“Extinction,” it has come to my attention that its actual title is: “Extinction:
The G.M.O. Chronicles”.
Movie Trailer: