By Cat
This year’s San Diego Comic-Con has come and gone; and, with
it, the usual emergence of sneak peeks, trailers, and tidbits from our favorite
fandoms. Now that information has had time to circulate a bit for those of us
not fortunate to grace Hall H with our physical presence, I’m totally geeking
out about things to come.
What’s my current focus? I wanted to know when the new
season of Doctor Who (2005-) would
start up again. Alas, we’re still in the ‘waiting room’ for that – but at least
we’ve been given a hint that it will be sometime in the fall. (Apparently they
are being a bit cheeky with the pun here.)
Doctor Who returns in the Fall... (also known as Autumn)#DoctorWho— Doctor Who Official (@bbcdoctorwho) December 27, 2017
I’ve seen so much back and forth about the choice to cast a
female lead for the series for The Doctor’s 13th incarnation.
Personally, I think the concept is ‘brilliant’ (which may very well be the 13th
Doctor’s new catchphrase). My sentiment when the big reveal happened, and Jodie
Whittaker (The Kid, Black Sea,
Broadchurch) appeared on the screen, was “it’s about bloody time.” I just
don’t understand anyone arguing against the change – aside from understanding
some people are reluctant to or even actively avoid change. Change is scary. I’m
holding out hope that the only nightmares involved are along the lines (that’s
right plotlines) of former showrunner, Steven Moffat’s (Coupling, The Adventures of Tintin, Sherlock), creations.
Brand new showrunner, Chris Chibnall (Camelot, Gracepoint, Broadchurch), told Entertainment
Weekly “I just felt the time was right...I think if the show hadn’t done
it, we would have been behind the world, and Doctor Who has got to be out front
leading the world, and being a great example of all the amazing things that are
in the world. So, it wasn’t even a question in my mind.”
I can’t agree more. I feel that this is also part and parcel
of the same cycle we experience with nearly every reincarnation for The Doctor,
though, isn’t it? The new casting is announced and many shake their fists at
the sky…and then the season starts and everyone falls in love with the new
version. Then that Doctor has to reincarnate and the cycle begins anew with
fist shaking bluster and tears. I’m quite sure that it will play out the same
this time, as well.
The whole brouhaha over The Doctor reincarnating as a new
gender is, frankly, silly. It’s been done before – look at The Master/Missy.
That story arc alone proved that this was a potential. It’s simply ironic that
it didn’t happen until after The Doctor’s life-long frenemy had already
allegedly fallen. That would have really been something – to see both
simultaneously with the gender flip. Would it have helped or hurt their chances
at reconciliation? Things that make you go hmmm.
It’s a beautiful and glorious positive message for young
women out there. I can tell you that my daughter is excited, too. Doctor Who was a special show that I had
shared with my mom when I was little – and now it’s something I share with my own
daughter. When asked, about two years ago, what sort of hero she could be if
she had her own comic book, she answered that she’d like to be The Doctor. (Her
father was cooking up a present for her with a comic artist buddy.) Her sonic
screwdriver was in the shape of a narwhal. That’s an entirely different story,
though…I digress.
This go-round, not only do we have a new Doctor, we have new
companions and a new production team. There’s even a new composer for the
musical score. That’s not all that’s new. Diversity and celebration of the
fresh start seems to be the theme all-around. There’s more diversity amongst
the production behind-the-scenes as well as the structure of the new season’s
story. The showrunner explained at a
SDCC press conference “We’re doing lots, but our plan across time is to do lots
more. It should be the most inclusive show on television. The whole concept of Doctor Who is that anybody can go
anywhere and do anything, and we want to reflect that on-screen and off.”
Chibnall explained during the Hall
H panel that this season’s 10 episodes will be stand-alone stories and
there will be all new villains, characters, guest characters, and monsters. At
the time of SDCC, he said that they had 2 weeks left of shooting and had not
written in or filmed any old foes as of that date. Anyone looking to see
Cybermen or Daleks will just need to have patience to see if they get filtered
in to the 13th Doctor’s 2nd season.
I’m excited about that, actually. In a time where we rail at
Hollywood for recycling ideas, this pillar of science fiction that has become
so ingrained in so many of us (and pretty much an entire nation) can’t just
keep telling different versions of the same story and keep us tuned in, given
this modern world of instant gratification and short attention spans. We love
the nostalgia of the old set-pieces, but all crave something fresh and
Chibnall promised to deliver. “What we want is for people to
feel like we’ve got the range and variety of Doctor Who this year. So if you’ve
never seen it before, you’re gonna fall in love with it, and if you have seen
it, you’re gonna get those things that you love about the show across the 10
episodes.” He encouraged the SDCC panel audience to grab someone who hadn’t
seen the series before and introduce them with this season.
We’re reassured that the core of The Doctor remains the same
– pacifist, mental over muscle, and helping those in need. My only burning
questions are now centered around the tone of the new season, and whether or
not it will go to the same sort of dark places that Moffat loved to dwell
whilst stomping on all of our feels.
All in all, I have great hope for this upcoming season. I’m
feeling rather impatient about it, but there’s not a lot to be done about that
save for treasuring every nugget of information dispersed between now and then.
However, don’t expect any big reveals about plot or anything even remotely
spoilery – this season’s being kept under some pretty strict secrecy. The
production team, as Chibnall explained at SDCC, is very committed to keeping
everything a surprise so that everyone can enjoy exploring this new season for
the first time together when it airs.
From the 3 new companions to the new Doctor, herself. Everything I've seen so far for the upcoming new iteration of this series is, indeed, brilliant and worth the wait.
From the 3 new companions to the new Doctor, herself. Everything I've seen so far for the upcoming new iteration of this series is, indeed, brilliant and worth the wait.