Number Rolled: 51
Movie Name/Year: Nativity
2: Danger in the Manger (2012)
Genre: Comedy
Length: 109
Rating: TV-PG
Director: Debbie
Writer: Debbie
Actors: David
Tennant, Marc Wootton, Jason Watkins, Joanna Page, Ian McNeice, Jessica Hynes,
Pam Ferris, Rosie Cavaliero
Mr. Poppy is an incompetent classroom assistant; he spends a
good amount of time scaring off teachers that attempt to work in his class.
When a Christmas singing contest comes along, he’s forced to include the newest
teacher, Mr. Peterson, in on his plans. Mr. Peterson isn’t really given much of
a choice in the matter.
This movie killed me. I have the horrible duty of writing
out that this David Tennant movie sucked. It was so bad. If you took the worst
episode of “Glee” and tied it to a horrible 90’s comedy (likely one starring
Jonathon Taylor Thomas or Tim Allen) you would still wind up with a better
I can’t even say anymore. It’s too tragic.
Rotten Tomatoes Critic Score – 33%
Rotten Tomatoes Audience Score – 54%
Netflix’s Prediction for Me – 3.3/5
Trust-the-Dice Score – 1.5/5
P.S. Fun fact for Whovians: Catherine Tate plans to be in
the sequel set to come out in 2014.
Movie Trailer: