Thursday, June 2, 2016

While The Cat's Away, We Play... YouTube Videos

By: Selina

Cat’s out of town this weekend, suffering in the sweltering heat of Texas. I suppose that’s not much different than her hometown in Louisiana, but I’m from New York so I’m gonna stick by my comment.

Since she’s joined Trust the Dice’s Random Review, Cat has been trying to catch up on all of the movies that were watched before her time. It’s a big job, so I didn’t want to make it even more difficult by watching another movie on my own in her absence.

This entry will be different.

In the relatively near future, I intend to start a YouTube gaming channel under my universal handle: Angelic Ardour. I know, it’s a weird handle. It started as an RPG screen name that related to my main table-top character and just kind of stuck. I was going to change it for YouTube, but several of my friends advised against it. So, fine.

There are going to be so many jokes about my initials being AA.


Moving on.

In honor of my decision, and to justify my shameless plug, I’ve decided to give a glimpse into my list of awesome YouTube channels. And, since we’re so fond of lists here at Trust the Dice, let’s make it a top 20, shall we?

They won’t all be gaming, movie, or even geek related but, hey, I can have outside interests! 

20 – CarlSagan42

There’s very little consistency in CarlSagan42’s videos. Sometimes the sound is crap. Sometimes the videos are only a few minutes long, while other times they can go on for up to an hour. He also not one of the more memorable gamers. You’re not going to see rage-outs or hear many jokes… but he’s got one thing definitely going for him.

CarlSagan42 is super fucking skilled. Seriously, I’ve seen him beat some ridiculous shit that no human should ever be able to beat.

He’s a GAMER. All caps are important here because… I’m a gamer, but I’m relatively mediocre at something like Super Mario Maker (2015) while I’m very skilled at Mario Kart or RPGs and absolutely awful at anything FPS ever made. Example? I’m playing Doom (2016) now and it took me two days to get to the fucking title screen, but I’ve made walkthroughs for FF8 (1999) and my friends rarely ever expect to beat me at Mario Kart 8 (2014).

He’s been concentrating on Super Mario Maker recently, but so have I so… it works out. I feel like just watching him play makes me a better player.

19 – rhoboat

This person makes music videos out of clips from movies and TV shows.

There are a billion people on YouTube that do the same thing. I’m not saying this person is the best, but they are really good. I find the sync-up of music/lyrics and scene to be on point. The videos are interesting and tug at the appropriate emotions.

Really, the videos are a treat to watch, even if you’re not overly fond of the song choice.

Above, you can find the video created by rhoboat in honor of Snowpiercer (2013), a movie Trust the Dice reviewed a while back, starring Chris Evans (Before We Go, The Losers, Captain America).

18 – Tasty

I started seeing these videos circulate on Facebook a few months ago and I found them really useful.

The dishes are yummy and the video makes gathering the ingredients and actually making the food easy. Plus, the videos are super short, easy to follow, and pleasant to watch.

I enjoy them.

17 – Bad Lip Reading

These videos tend to vary in quality from funny to not so funny to completely ridiculous. The ones that are funny, though, are outstanding.

I’m particularly enjoying the political series.

The current election is just bringing out the worst in everyone, regardless of which candidate they’re hoping will win. It’s great to be able to see something like this where you can laugh at all the candidates equally and not come away with negative feelings.

16 – Slim Kirby

This guy isn’t nearly as charismatic as the other gamers I watch, but I still watch him. Mostly out of nostalgia.

He does play older games, but that’s not where the nostalgia comes in. He was actually the first gamer I started following on YouTube. He’s not terrible at all, but don’t expect a boisterous or overly comedic personality.

He’s still a very informative gamer and I tend to enjoy his videos.

15 – Jenna Marbles

There is a shocking lack of female presence in my YouTube subscriptions. I’m working on that. In the meantime, Jenna Marbles is one of the few, but she’s a huge presence.

Jenna uses her YouTube channel to talk about pretty much everything that goes through a woman’s mind, an adult’s mind, a dog owner’s mind, etc. More funny stuff. Plus, her dogs are adorable.

14 – BatDad Blake

Alright, this guy is super viral, and for a good reason. His shtick is extremely funny.

The big issue is that he really doesn’t update his YouTube much. Word has it he’s got a Vine page that he edits more often…. but I never really got into Vine so… yeah.

13 – Dead Gentlemen Productions

A while back, long before Cat was a part of the blog, I did a review on The Gamers: Dorkness Rising (2008). Well, The Gamers series was created by Dead Gentlemen Productions. There are links to that series in the ‘Playlist’ area.

The Dead Gentlemen Productions channel is where you can find other, similar, series’ to sink your teeth into.

Funny, geek-centric, and entertaining. Good stuff.

12 – REACT/Fine Brothers Entertainment

These two channels interlock with Teens React, Kids React, Adults React, and Elderly React videos. If you’re my age, the Teens and Kids React videos will make you feel old as fuck while the Elderly React videos will make you feel young as fuck.

I was particularly amused by the above video. JNCOs were my thing back when I was a young teen.

The video missed the grunge scene when they were rattling off people who used to wear JNCOs, though. That’s what I was considered back then.

11 – Screen Junkies

You may know Screen Junkies by another name: Honest Trailers.

There’s never anything not funny about the Honest Trailer videos. Basically, the videos are versions of the official trailers of various popular movies (some new, some old). However, instead of the original dialog and sound, there’s a voice-over with a hilarious and overly-honest, sarcastic description of the film in question.

I highly recommend this channel.

10 – WatchMojo

WatchMojo does lists. Top 10 Movie Murders, Top 10 Stupidest Lyrics, etc. I don’t always agree with their lists, but they make some convincing arguments for each of their entries. A lot of thought goes into their videos. Some are funny, others are informative… there are even some horrifying ones.

There’s a lot of versatility in the WatchMojo videos, which makes the channel great for binge-watching. The narrator isn’t even always the same. It’s like the YouTube version of the Cracked web page.

I know Cracked has a YouTube page, too. Shut up.

9 – TearofGrace

This guy is a little different than most of the gamers I follow. He doesn’t just show his gameplay and a little square with him in the corner. He has little cut-aways, music, extra commentary, zooming, camera movements…. Etc. Not to mention, he’s one of the most skilled of the gamers I watch. I never have to yell at the screen asking him why he won’t PUT THE FUCKING HELMET ON or HIT THE FUCKING SHOULDER BUTTON, like I do with Jack… or Martyn…

I’ll introduce you to those guys later in this list.


He’s funny, entertaining, and pretty damn good at editing. I added a Super Mario Maker video, but you should check out his Dark Souls III (2016) videos. Those are as good, or better, than his Super Mario Maker stuff. Also, look up his video called “SuperMario Maker – MARIO MAKING A MURDERER (P is for Pain).” Hardest level ever. I’ve tried it.

I did not complete it.

8 – jacksepticeye

This guy is new to my subscriptions list. I tripped over him while I was going through YouTube Gaming ( where I’m subscribed to Super Mario Maker and it lets me know whenever someone posts a new video in that game. (I have subscriptions to other games, but Jack came up for that one).

I instantly loved him. That awesome accent coupled with his super green hair and outstanding rage is a real treat to watch. He does some challenges here and there, but in general, he’s just an entertaining guy.

I’ve been binge watching his channel for the past two weeks now. I don’t see myself stopping in the near future.

7 – Markiplier

It’s the hair. No other reason.

Ok, seriously now.

My husband and I greatly disagree on the awesomeness that is Markiplier. As in, I think he’s awesome, but I can’t watch his videos around John because Markiplier’s voice annoys him.

I get where John is coming from, Markiplier’s voice can be a touch on the high pitched side when he gets frustrated… but that doesn’t matter too much to me. I have fun watching him. Sometimes he’s funny, sometimes he’s just entertaining and that’s what matters in a YouTuber.

I was also kind of impressed when he did a challenge where he donated a certain amount of money to charity based on how much he cursed during his videos. That was hella cool.

6 – Geek and Sundry

Now, Geek and Sundry isn’t a single channel. It’s more like a conglomerate of channels.

There are a ton of shows that form Geek and Sundry. Like any TV channel, however, I have my favorites.

Sword & Laser is an awesome book review show. It’s hosted by Veronica Belmont (We’re Alive, Fallout: New Vegas, Armikrog) and Tom Merritt (NSFW Show, Night Attack, The Screen Savers) and tends to stick to books in the geekier genres, like fantasy and science fiction. As an avid reader, the show is informative. As a YouTube viewer, the hosts are endearing and interesting.

The Flog is basically a show about Felicia Day (Supernatural, Con Man, Outlands) being Felicia Day. I adore her.

I loved her book, I love her acting work. Seriously, what’s not to like about Felicia Day. She’s awkward and loveable and an inspiration. Everyone should read her book: You’re Never Weird on the Internet (Almost). It’s a great read.

Vaginal Fantasy is another book show that’s covered on the channel. This one is hosted by Felicia Day, Veronica Belmont, Bonnie Burton (Geek DIY, Ask Bonnie, The Guild), Kiala Kazabee (Merry Holidays Please Hold, The Guild, The Flog), and wine. The reviews stick to the romantic, often smutty, genres that I partake in occasionally – both for reading and writing purposes.

Co-Optitude is a show featuring Felicia Day and her brother, Ryon Day (The Guild, TableTop, The Flog), playing video games, a lot of them old-school. This particular show speaks to me deeper than most.

I had a Sega Genesis when I was young. By young, I actually mean: before I was seventeen, which was when I got a Playstation. As a result, I didn’t grow up playing a lot of the games that everyone else had. I’ve beaten Sonic the Hedgehog (1991) about 600 times, but I’ve never played Legend of Zelda (1986).

Watching Felicia and Ryon try those old games is pretty interesting.

Finally, there’s Tabletop.

Tabletop is undoubtedly my favorite show on Geek and Sundry. It’s hosted by Wil Wheaton (The Big Bang Theory, Eureka, Teen Titans) and often has well-known guest stars.

On the show, Wheaton and bunch of recognizable faces, play board games. It sounds less interesting than it is. In the video above is the episode where Wil Wheaton, Anne Wheaton (Sharknado 2: The Second One, Tweet Out, The Wil Wheaton Project), Colin Ferguson (Eureka, The Vampire Diaries, Haven), and Amy Dallen (Baker, Future Girl, Muzzled the Musical) play Ticket to Ride. The game is awesome, but the video is better and gets even funnier at the end.

It’s one of the more memorable episodes, I’ll tell you that much.

5 – Epic Rap Battles of History

I had to include the rap video involving directors in this entry because… hilarious. It says it’s Steven Spielberg (War of the Worlds, Saving Private Ryan, Schindler’s List) vs. Alfred Hitchcock (Psycho, The Birds, To Catch a Thief), but it’s also got Stanley Kubrick (Eyes Wide Shut, Full Metal Jacket, A Clockwork Orange), Quentin Tarantino (Django Unchained, Inglourious Basterds, Kill Bill), and Michael Bay (Transformers, Bad Boys, The Island) in it. It’s pretty amusing. Not my favorite, but still.

That being said, although I don’t believe the current season of ERB is the greatest, I’m still relatively in love with the channel. I’d say at least 1/8 of my playlist involves past ERBs.

My husband and I even considered rapping the Adam vs. Eve battle at our wedding, but decided against it at nearly the last minute. It just didn’t fit the gaming theme.

4 – Movieclips Trailers

Ok, it wouldn’t be a movie blog if I didn’t mention trailers.

You might notice that when we do our ‘Top 20 Movies to Look Out For’ blogs at the end/beginning of the month, that we tend to use as many trailers as possible from Movieclips Trailers. There is a reason for this.

First of all, the trailers are all official. Nothing cut and pasted together or of bad quality. Secondly, there’s no one babbling before or after the trailer. If I wanted to look up a review, I’d look up a review. It’s a huge pet peeve of mine when trailer-based YouTube channels add movie news or reviews to the end or the beginning of a trailer.

If I’m looking up a trailer, I just want two minutes, or so, of fucking trailer. I don’t need, or want, the extra.

Movieclips Trailers gives you the official trailer(s), with no ridiculous commentary, relatively regularly. Most of the time, they have new trailers up before you can find them anywhere else, too.

3 – YOGSCAST Martyn

YOGSCAST Martyn, also known as InTheLittlewood, is less about funny and more about information and adorableness.

Martyn was one of the first YouTube channels I found that had a series dedicated to Super Mario Maker. He’s got a pleasant voice and is interestingly not crude at all. I’m so used to crude that it was almost shocking to find a mostly kid-friendly channel.

Like many others I follow, he’s not the most amazing at some of the games, though he’s a beast with some of them. He’s like the king of Minecraft, it’s ridiculous.

It’s adorable when he rage quits. It just doesn’t fit the personality he’s portraying in his videos.

Martyn is supremely likeable and I have been known to binge watch him for hours on end, happily. He’s the reason I picked up Minecraft.

2 – Joe Santagato

Santagato is another funny mother fucker. I don’t just adore him because he’s a fellow New Yorker with a very discernable New York attitude, either.

He’s not in the gaming category at all, but he’s still hilarious. He puts out a video every Tuesday and he has other channels including: Extra Joe and a Podcast channel. He has series of videos including: Idiots of the Internet, Mad Libs Madness, and People of Walmart.

Mostly he does about five minutes per video of simple stand-up comedy. Sometimes alone, sometimes with family members. For instance, Mad Libs Madness is a series he does with his brother Keith. They play Mad Libs and have to hold water in their mouth while trying not to laugh. Super simple, but you wouldn’t believe how funny it gets.

Keith used milk once and I nearly fell off the couch.

1 – DashieGames

I’m currently completely obsessed with Super Mario Maker, as you’ve probably noticed. Naturally, I’ve been searching for any YouTuber that happens to have gameplay videos. There are plenty out there, but Dashie? Well, there’s a story behind Mr. Dashie.

Well, Super Mario Maker users have been making levels for him in droves. They’re all over the place. All of them seem to have his name in it. My best friend, Mike, and I play this stupid game constantly and we’ve commented on the titles to each other. We both thought Dashie was a dev working with the company because of how many boards there were dedicated to him.

Then I found my first Dashie video and it all clicked into place.

I got the interest in him immediately.

Dashie reminds me of a modern gaming version of Sam Kinison (Charlie Hoover, Back to School, Savage Dawn). He’s angry, vulgar, and funny as all hell. He sounds just like me and my friends when we game. He’s cursing at the screen, he’s working the puzzles out loud… he’s not necessarily the most amazing gamer I’ve ever seen play the games, but there’s no one more hilarious to watch.

Seriously, where gaming is concerned, no one beats Dashie in sheer entertainment value.

Monday, May 30, 2016

Top 20 Movies to Look Out For In June (2016)

According to: Cat

20 – Fender Bender (6/3)

Tag Line: A Crash Course in Terror.
Production Companies:  Brainstorm Media, EchoWolf Productions, Shout! Factory
Director:  Mark Pavia
Writer:  Mark Pavia
Actors:  Makenzie Vega, Cassidy Freeman, Lora Martinez-Cunningham, Bill Sage, Dre Davis, Steven Michael Quezada, Kelsey Leos Montoya
Genre:  Horror, Thriller
Rated:  NR

This looks like a movie that fans of classic slasher horror will really appreciate. It seems to hearken back to the days when Jason Voorhees ruled the screen. The story seems to take a new twist on the horror/thriller recipe (at the very least in victim selection). I’m looking forward to seeing how it stands up to other films in the genre.

19 – Wiener-dog (6/24)

Tag Line: Experience four different stories and the one dog that connects them all.
Production Company: Annapurna Pictures, Killer Films
Director: Todd Solondz
Writers: Todd Solondz
Actors: Charlie Tahan, Greta Gerwig, Zosia Mamet, Ellen  Burstyn, Danny DeVito, Kieran Culkin, Clara Mamet, Julie Delpy, Tracy Lets, Michael James Shaw
Genre: Comedy
Rated: R

This movie looks fun and quirky. Four different takes on the different owners and lives of the same dog. It looks both hilarious and endearing and worth a watch.

18 – Careful What You Wish For (6/10)

Tag Line: This summer, temptation, seduction, obsession has its price.
Production Companies: Troika Pictures, Hyde Park Entertainment, Merced Media Partners, Amasia Entertainment, Roberi Media
Director: Elizabeth Allen Rosenbaum
Writer: Chris Frisina
Actors: Dermot Mulroney, Isabel Lucas, Nick Jonas, Graham Rogers, Kandyse McClure, Paul Sorvino, Alex ter Avest
Genre: Drama, Thriller
Rated: R

The trailer of this movie had me thinking a bit about Sleeping With the Enemy (1991) – though with a bit of a twist. I’m interested in seeing what Nick Jonas (Hawaii 5-O, Scream Queens, Goat) does with a dramatic role on the big screen. I’ve enjoyed his work in television, since his departure from his boy band member persona. The movie looks steamy and is Jonas’ character the hero or a villain? 

17 – No Stranger Than Love (6/17)

Tag Line: Looking for love in all the wrong places.
Production Companies: Innis Lake Entertainment, Pangaea Pictures
Director: Nick Wernham
Writer: Steve Adams
Actors: Alison Brie, Justin Chatwin, Colin Hanks, Mark Forward, Christopher Cordell, Lisa Berry
Genre: Comedy, Romance
Rated: R

I love the whimsy in the concept of a cartoonesque hole opening up in the main character’s living room floor. I’m looking forward to seeing what else might be laced into the plot to add to the romance or comedic elements. 

16 – The Neon Demon (6/24)

Tag Line: The wicked die young
Production Company: Space Rocket Nation, Vendian Entertainment, Bold Films
Director: Nicolas Winding Refn
Writers: Nicolas Winding Refn, Mary Laws, Polly Stenham
Actors: Christina Hendricks, Keanu Reeves, Elle Fanning, Jena Malone, Abbey Lee, Bella Heathcote, Desmond Harrington, Jamie Clayton
Genre: Horror, Thriller
Rated: R

This movie intrigued me with its trailer. It seems to be a movie exploring the predatory nature of the modeling world in a literal horror-movie sense. If nothing else, this film looks like it will be visually stunning. Visuals like that are even better on the big screen.

15 – Electra Woman & Dyna Girl (6/7)

Tag Line: Meet Hollywood's newest super stars.
Production Company: Legendary Digital Media
Director: Chris Marrs Piliero
Writer: Chris Marrs Piliero
Actors: Hannah Hart, Grace Helbig, Christopher Coutts, Trevor Lerner, Matreya Fedor, Aaron Paul Stewart, Andy Buckley, Clayton Chitty
Genre: Comedy
Rated: NR

This is an unusual add to our list, considering that signs are pointing to this property as an 8-part TV mini-series. Though, other sources show this being released across digital platforms this month as an 81 minute film with a July DVD release date. If the series is set to launch, this might be a film-length pilot. Either way, we love a good super hero movie – even if it doesn’t take itself too seriously. There are plenty of big budget movies around at the moment that do that so let’s walk on the lighter side!

14 – Clown (6/17)

Tag Line: The kids aren't alright.
Production Companies: Cross Creek Pictures, PS 260, Vertebra Films, Zed Filmworks
Director: Jon Watts
Writer: Christopher Ford, Jon Watts
Actors: Andy Powers, Laura Allen, Peter Stormare, Christian Distefano, Chuck Shamata, Elizabeth Whitmere, Matthew Stefiuk, Eli Roth
Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Horror
Rated: R

Just the title alone might strike fear into some that have an aversion to these characters that are supposed to spread comedy and light into our lives. Sometimes they can be a bit creepy. There have been some costumes I’ve seen around lately that have been dowrnright terrifying. I think it’s an interesting and quite scary concept harkening to The Mask (1994) – except this clown suit doesn’t seem to turn its wearer into a gregarious goofball lothario; but rather a monster. 

13 – The Duel (6/24)

Tag Line: Vengeance cannot be denied.
Production Companies: Lionsgate Premiere, Atomic Entertainment, Mandeville Films, Mississippix Studios, 26 Films, Bron Capital Partners, Crystal Wealth, Media House Capital
Director: Kieran Darcy-Smith
Writers: Matt Cook
Actors: Liam Hemsworth, Woody Harrelson, Emory Cohen, Alice Braga, William Sadler, Benedict Samuel. Raphael Sbarge, José Zúñiga, Sue-Lynn Ansari, Christopher Berry
Genre: Drama, Western
Rated: R

 I love a good western now and again – especially if it has a combination of good talent and an interesting premise. Most westerns are tales of either survival or revenge – sometimes a bit of both. This does seem to fall squarely in that category. Though, while it seems to be reminiscent of the old shoot-em-up films of yester year, there seems to be a new twist with this one, as it explores the grip of a religious leader on a ‘wild west’ community.

12 – Intruder (6/24)

Tag Lines: Not Available
Production Companies: Stormchaser Films
Director: Travis Zariwny
Writer: Travis Zariwny
Actors: Justin Ament, Steven Beckingham, Teresa Decher, Louise Linton, Susannah Mars., Mary McDonald-Lewis, Moby, Zach Myers, John Robinson, Aaron Trainor
Genre: Horror, Thriller
Rated: NR

The trailer for this movie gave me the creeps. The concept of an intruder lurking somewhere in the darkness has always been nightmare fuel for me. If you’ve ever been freaked out by the scary story of the babysitter getting calls from inside the house – this movie looks like it might be right up your alley. While it’s not following the premise of When A Stranger Calls (2006), it does seem to have captured the concept of danger invading personal space that’s supposed to be safe. I’m going to be leaving the lights on and checking behind doors and under things for a while after watching this one.

11 – The Shallows (6/29)

Tag Line: What was once in the deep is now in the shallows.
Production Company: Columbia Pictures, Ombra Films, Weimaraner Republic Pictures
Director: Jaume Collet-Serra
Writers: Anthony Jaswinski
Actors: Blake Lively, Oscar Jaenada, Bret Cullen, Sedona Legge
Genre: Drama, Horror, Thriller
Rated: NR

I love a good shark movie. I’ve had a morbid fascination with the creatures since I was little. They’re also a good box office draw. Anyone who’s afraid of going into the ocean isn’t going to feel any better after watching this film. Though, I think waders are probably still safe since this movie seems to take place about 200 yards out, give or take. That’s what the blurbs say, at least. Blake Lively (The Town, Savages, The Age of Adeline) will be getting the primary focus in this small-cast film. I think she’ll be able to carry it well. The trailer looked intense.

10 – Sausage Party (6/2)

Tag Line: A hero will rise.
Production Companies: Annapurna Pictures, Columbia Pictures, Nitrogen Studios Canada, Point Grey Pictures
Director: Greg Tiernan, Conrad Vernon
Writers: Evan Goldberg, Kyle Hunter, Seth Rogen, Ariel Shaffir, Jonah Hill
Actors: Paul Rudd, Kristen Wiig, Seth Rogen, James Franco, Salma Hayek, Jonah Hill, Edward Norton, David Krumholtz, Bill Hader, Michael Cera, Sugar Lyn Beard, Danny McBride, Nick Kroll, Craig Robinson
Genre: NR
Rated: Animation, Adventure, Comedy

This animated movie is definitely not for children. It’s a hilarious look at what it would be like if food was actually sentient. (I hope this doesn’t start any strange food movements.) It’s a comedic take on the plight of the things you eat – from the supermarket to your kitchen. What if the food were to decide that it didn’t want to be eaten? This looks like a hilarious romp of a comedy. It’s not kid friendly due to frequent cursing and sexual innuendo. 

9 – The Conjuring 2 (6/10)

Tag Line: The next true story from the case files of Ed and Lorraine Warren.
Production Companies: Evergreen Media Group, Atomic Monster, Dune Entertainment (as RatPac-Dune Entertainment), New Line Cinema, The Safran Company, Soho VFX (visual effects)
Director: James Wan
Writers: Carey Hayes, Chad Hayes, James Wan, David Leslie Johnson
Actors: Vera Farmiga, Patrick Wilson, Franka Potente, Maria Doyle Kennedy, David Thewlis, Frances O'Connor, Robin Atkin Downes, Simon McBurney, Sterling Jerins, Javier Botet, Madison Wolfe
Genre: Horror
Rated: R

I find that horror movies are always scarier when they’re based on true stories, even in part. The trailer gave me the impression that this movie is one wild ride, and it looks like they certainly amped up the scare factor from the first film. 

8 – The Last Heist (6/17)

Tag Line: Not Available
Production Companies: Benattar/Thomas Productions, Parkside Pictures, Tadross Media Group, DH Films
Director: Mike Mendez
Writers: Guy Stevenson
Actors: Henry Rollins, Torrance Coombs, Victoria Pratt, Mykel Shannon Jenkins, Nick Principe, Mark Kelly, Ken Lyle, Kristina Klebe, Zo Zosak
Genre: Action
Rated: NR

I’m pretty sure I’ve said before that Henry Rollins (Sons of Anarchy, He Never Died, Gutterdammerung) is a badass. He’s perfect for the role of the serial killer in this movie. Some bank robbers have bitten off more than they can chew. This man can be seriously disturbing, even when he smiles. I think the premise of this one is a good twist on the crime-action movie and I can’t wait to see it.

7 – Central Intelligence (6/17)

Tag Line: Saving the world takes a little Hart and a big Johnson
Production Companies: New Line Cinema, Bluegrass Films, Principato-Young Entertainment, Universal Pictures
Director: Rawson Marshall Thurber
Writers: Ike Barinholtz, David Stassen, Rawson Marshall Thurber
Actors: Dwayne Johnson, Aaron Paul, Kevin Hart, Amy Ryan, Ryan Hansen., Megan Park, Brett Azar, Danielle Nicolet, Kristen Annese, Chaunty Spillane,
Genre: Action, Comedy
Rated: PG-13

This movie has the potential of being absolutely hilarious. Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson (Snitch, Pain & Gain, San Andreas) has proven to be a bit of a jack of all trades. Sure movies tend to play to his strengths a lot of the time, but he has had some gritty roles that show off his acting chops beyond being able to suplex his co-stars and show off his physique. His comedic timing is actually really good. Put him together with Kevin Hart (Ride Along, About Last Night, The Wedding Ringer) and it’s a movie I just don’t want to miss.

6 – Me Before You (6/3)

Tag Line:  Based on the New York Times Bestseller.
Production Company: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM), New Line Cinema
Director: Thea Sharrock
Writer: Jojo Moyes
Actors: Sam Claflin, Vanessa Kirby, Emilia Clarke, Eileen Dunwoodie, Pablo Raybould, Henri Charles, Samantha Spiro, Brendan Coyle, Jenna Coleman, Matthew Lewis, Muzz Kahn, Janet McTeer, Charles Dance
Genre: Drama, Romance
Rated: PG-13

I’m surprised that this movie is competing for summer box office rather than Valentine’s Day. I fully expect this film to be both heartwarming and heartwrenching at the same time. Bring your tissues to this one if you’re prone to crying at movies. It’s a touching tale showing life doesn’t, and shouldn’t, stop when you have disabilities (though being as rich as this guy seems to be in the movie definitely helps). 

5 – Now You See Me 2 (6/10)

Tag Line: Reappearing June 10
Production Companies: Lionsgate, Summit Entertainment
Director: Jon M. Chu
Writers: Ed Solomon, Pete Chiarelli, Boaz Yakin, Edward Ricourt
Actors: Lizzy Caplan, Daniel Radcliffe, Dave Franco, Mark Ruffalo, Jesse Eisenberg, Morgan Freeman, Woody Harrelson, Michael Caine, Sanaa Lathan, Henry Lloyd-Hughes, Jay Chou, Justine Wachsberger
Genre: Action, Comedy, Thriller
Rated: PG-13

Magicians and modern day ‘Illusionists’ are capable of putting on shows that bend the mind and our perceptions of reality. Masters of misdirection, you never know what they’re doing when they have you looking somewhere else. I loved the premise of the first movie and I am very glad to see that they made a sequel. I can’t wait to see what mystical shenanigans that this group is up to next. 

4 – Finding Dory (6/17)

Tag Line: Have you seen her?
Production Companies: Pixar Animation Studios, Walt Disney Pictures
Director: Andrew Stanton, Angus MacLane
Writers: Andrew Stanton, Victoria Strouse, Bob Peterson
Actors: Ellen DeGeneres, Albert Brooks, Idris Elba, Kate McKinnon, Bill Hader, Dominic West, Diane Keaton, Kaitlin Olson, Andrew Stanton, Ed O'Neill, Ty Burrell, Eugene Levy, Hayden Rolence, Bennett Dammann, Torbin Zan Bullock
Genre: Animation, Adventure, Comedy
Rated: PG

If you haven’t already seen Finding Nemo (2003), I would recommend doing that before watching this movie, since this occurs after that, and likely references points from that plot. That being said, this looks like an adorable continuance of the tale of friendship between Dory and her new friends, Marlin and Nemo (among others). The forgetful fish remembers that she has a family – and, in a flip from the other tale, instead of her family looking for her; she goes out to look for them. I think Disney/Pixar has another hit on their hands with this one. 

3 – Warcraft (6/10)

Tag Line: Two worlds. One destiny.
Production Companies: Atlas Entertainment, Legendary Pictures, Blizzard Entertainment, Universal Pictures
Director: Duncan Jones
Writers: Duncan Jones, Charles Leavitt, Chris Metzen
Actors: Travis Fimmel, Paula Patton, Ben Foster, Dominic Cooper, Toby Kebbell, Ben Schnetzer, Robert Kazinsky, Clancy Brown, Daniel Wu, Ruth Negga, Anna Galvin, Callum Keith Rennie
Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Rated: PG-13

This movie will introduce people to the world that millions of online gamers enjoy on a regular basis. This is a rather brilliant strategy by Blizzard Entertainment to get a big movie out there to boost their game. More than that, though; this movie appears to have heart and substance. It doesn’t appear to be a mad grab for more subscribers to the mass multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG). I’ve enjoyed the trailers and am excited to get a glimpse into this world. (Alas, I do not play the game, but I have many friends whom do.)

2 – Independence Day: Resurgence (6/24)

Tag Lines: We had twenty years to prepare. So did they.
Production Company: Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation
Director: Roland Emmerich
Writers: Nicolas Wright, James A. Woods, Dean Devlin, Roland Emmerich, James Vanderbilt
Actors: Maika Monroe, Joey King, Liam Hemsworth, Jeff Goldblum. William Fichtner, Charlotte Gainsbourg, Bill Pullman, Vivica A. Fox, Sela Ward, Brent Spiner, Judd Hirsch
Genre: Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
Rated: NR

I remember when I saw this trailer before a movie I’d seen in the theater – I was fairly giddy and bouncing in my seat. I loved the first movie and had wondered if they would ever revisit this property to make a sequel. From what I’ve seen, it looks fairly awesome. I hope that this doesn’t fall into the sequel pitfalls that plague some franchises. I am optimistic, however, and this looks like a fun summer movie, either way.

1 – Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows (6/3)

Tag Line: Raise some shell.
Production Companies: Gama Entertainment Partners, Nickelodeon Movies, Paramount Pictures, Platinum Dunes
Director: Dave Green
Writers: Josh Appelbaum, André Nemec, Peter Laird, Kevin Eastman
Actors: Megan Fox, Stephen Amell, Alan Ritchson, Laura Linney, Will Arnett, Noel Fisher, Stephen Farrelly, Alessandra Ambrosio, Brad Garrett, Tyler Perry, Pete Ploszek, Gary Anthony Williams, Brian Tee, Judith, Hoag, Jeremy Howard, Tony Shalhoub, Danny Woodburn
Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy
Rated: PG-13

I have been super excited about this movie. Sure, I’m an original Turtles fan. However, I don’t think they did so bad with the first one. Who cares if they look a little different if the movie is good and doesn’t deviate too far from the original material?! In fact, it looks like this movie brings it back even closer to the Turtles story that we all know and love with the introduction of Bebop, Rocksteady, and Krang this time around. I’m also super super excited that Stephen Amell (When Calls The Heart, Code 8, Arrow) is playing Casey Jones. I can’t wait to see what he does on the big screen. (I believe his other movie credit was a made-for-tv-movie.) He’s just about my favorite actor, so this movie has me fairly giddy.

Movies to Look out For
According to: Selina

 Now You See Me 2 - 20
 Free State of Jones - 19
 Internet Famous - 18
 Careful What You Wish For - 17
 The Neon Demon - 16
 Weiner-Dog - 15
No Stranger Than Love - 14
Clown - 13
 The Last Heist - 12
Septembers of Shiraz - 11
Electra Woman & Dyna Girl - 10
Me Before You - 9
The Shallows - 8
The Duel - 7
Sausage Party - 6
Finding Dory - 5
Central Intelligence - 4
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows - 3
Warcraft - 2
Independence Day: Resurgence - 1