"We're not critics. We're professional fan-girls." --- This blog is dedicated to movies and the entertainment industry. We use random selection to bring into light the best and worst of streaming films and entertainment news.
Production Companies:
Black Dynamite Films, JD Prod, Les Prodcutions Rabid Dogs, Cinéfrance 1888, Transfilm,
Hedgehog, JS Productions, Récifilms, Ciné+, Canal+, Wild Bunch, Centre National
de la Cinématographie (CNC), Téléfilm Canada
Producer: Julien
Deris, Marc Dujardin, Franck Elbase, David Gauquié, Éric Hannezo, Eric Juhérian,
Vincent Labrune, Guillaume Lacroix, Renaud Le Van Kim, Nicolas Lesage, Claude
Léger, Etienne Mallet, Sylvain Proulx, Mathias Rubin, Julien Seul, Marc Vadé
Director: Eric
Writer: Michael
J. Carroll, Yannick Dahan, Eric Hannezo, Benjamin Rataud
Blurb from Netflix:
Three criminals from a disastrous bank robbery take a young woman, a father and
child hostage in a desperate attempt to get away at any cost.
Selina’s Point of View:
I found this film to be very typical – to the worst of the
There wasn’t all that much substance to it. It was like we
were just getting a little bit of insight into a man hunt from the criminal’s point
of view. In a situation like that, you expect to learn a lot more about the
criminals. You expect them to be humanized and to understand their motives by
the end.
Nope. I got none of that.
Even the semi-twist was predictable. I called it near the
middle of the movie.
I could understand why someone with less options might watch
this film. However, for someone who watches a lot of movies – this one likely
won’t stand out to you. It doesn’t do anything to really make itself memorable.
I’ll forget I’ve watched Rabid
Dogs by next Friday.
Cat’s Point of View:
The dice had some good timing with this movie. I was in some
serious need of distraction today, and action thrillers are almost guaranteed
to do the trick. This film was no exception.
The pacing was great, for one. The dialogue didn’t go by too
quick, so it was easy to keep up with. There were plenty of twists and turns
that kept me right at the edge of my seat.
Let’s talk about that ending, shall we? While I won’t even
come close to spoiling it for you, I can say I didn’t see it coming at all. I
sat here in a moment of gob-smacked silence.
The movie successfully twisted me up into a pretzel so that
at some points I actually felt bad for a couple of the villains of the tale who
were in way over their heads.
Of course, that was balanced with a steady sense of wanting
them to go take a vacation in the underworld.
While this was essentially a remake of a 1974 film with the
same name and premise, some details in the new film were evidently different.
For example, the original apparently took place in Italy; and this film is
French – though, it’s not entirely clear to me if it was set in France or
While this movie might not be full of flashy fight scenes or
explosions, the action was solid and I didn’t have any problems buying in to
what was going on as plausible.
I wouldn’t have any problems giving this film a
Tagline: How do
you grow up when your parents haven’t?
Genre: Comedy,
Length: 92 minutes
Rating: R
Production Companies:
Identity Films (I), Wind Dancer Productions
Producer: John
Fareri, Anthony Mastromauro, David McFadzean, Dete Meserve, Judd Payne, Ginger
Sledge, Matt Williams
Director: Max
Writer: Pete
Fromm, Virginia Korus Spragg
Actors: Sarah Bolger,
Thomas Mann, James Marsden, Claire Danes, Seth Adkins, Tom Romero, Anika Noni
Rose, Jeremy Sisto, Mario Batali, Evan Adrian, Will Peltz, Terry Walters, Elise
Eberle, Jon Tenney
Stunt Doubles: Lucas
Leggio, Stephanie Repp, Jaret Salas
Blurb from Netflix:
About to turn 16, Lucy realizes that her parents’ marriage is on shaky ground --
and that theirs is not the only relationship that’s in trouble.
Selina’s Point of View:
This was an interesting film.
Parts of it were really on point. I found myself relating to
the main character, played by Sarah Bolger (Once
Upon a Time, Locke & Key, My All-American). A lot of her opinions and
personality remind me of my teenage years. Her characterization was good… but
there was something a little off about everything else.
A lot of the situations started out feeling relatively
realistic… but it’s like they spin off into another dimension.
You know what it reminded me of? Dawson’s Creek (1998-2003). A lot of people disliked that show
because it showed teenagers using a logic and language that was unrealistic for
their age range. I, personally, loved that show. Never-the-less… the people who
didn’t… they weren’t wrong. In this case, it wasn’t so much the language used
by the younger characters, but the amount of logic shown by them.
I’ll admit that, at my age, I could have used logic to get
me out of a lot of the bad situations they found themselves in. At 16? Holy
shit, no. I was bright, I may have even had more logic than the majority of the
people I chose to be around… but it wasn’t anywhere near the level that the
main character in this film showed. It hit unrealistic levels.
If she had been a twenty-five-year-old character, a lot of
her reactions might have made more sense, but she’d have had to be in her
mid-thirties to really make the most sense.
Even with the problems I noted above, I still really enjoyed
the movie. It had a good message and it didn’t shy away from the darkness that
some coming-of-age films ignore.
That’s one of my issues with a lot of coming-of-age movies.
They show way too much innocence in the teenagers and, quite frankly, I didn’t
experience much innocence in my teens. In fact, I don’t know very many people
who did. I’m not even talking about just bad experiences now, I’m talking about
experimentation and stupidity. It’s like, the hallmark of being a teen… and
most films really miss that mark.
As Cool As I Am
really showed how a smart girl can make some dumb choices… without actually
altering the person she is deep down. That part, the movie absolutely got
In the end, I feel like the good outweighs the bad – especially
since the film was entertaining to watch. I would likely recommend it. I might
even watch it again.
Cat’s Point of View:
This movie was chock full of triggers for me.
Normally, when watching something that puts me in an overly
emotional state of mind, I try to give myself a little bit to ‘cool down’
before writing my review. In this case, I’m fairly certain that whether I write
this now, right after watching, or later; it’ll be the same. So here we go.
I have intentionally walked out of only 4 movies in my
lifetime. The first was Critters 2
(1988), because my mom had taken me to see it without really understanding what
it was – and then decided after the first death scene that even a mature 10 was
too young for me to watch that PG-13 movie. The 3rd was Palmetto (1998); because it was excruciatingly slow and I felt like
I was watching paint dry. Thus, I decided to bail. I honestly don’t remember
what my 4th was – I guess it, like Critters
2, might not even exactly count because my departure wasn't entirely
voluntary. I got called in to work just after I’d sat down for the previews. I
did go back and watch whatever it was later.
The 2nd, however, was a mission abort that I’ve never looked
back from – and it wasn’t because I didn’t like the movie. I fled Hope Floats (1998) in tears because of
the emotional gut-punch it’d given me from the very beginning. I think that was
my first really visceral reaction of being ‘triggered’ by something in
media. (I also don’t seem to have luck
watching movies in years ending with ‘8.’ That might not bode well for this
year.) I couldn’t stop crying and I couldn’t bring myself to go back in.
Before I bury the lead here, I’m explaining that I might
have done something similar with this movie, had I not been stubbornly stalwart
in riding the whole thing out.
Needless to say, there were some ugly tears. Unfortunately,
giving away what actually triggered me here would be a bit of a spoiler, so
I’ll have to refrain.
That being said, I actually adored this movie.
I felt the dynamic between Sarah Bolger (Iron Cross, The Moth Diaries, Into the
Badlands) and Thomas Mann’s (Hansel
& Gretel: Witch Hunters, The Stanford Prison Experiment, Barely Lethal)
characters was developed well. Their connection was not only believable, but
fairly palpable.
I was excited to see Claire Danes (Stardust, Temple Grandin, Brigsby Bear) on ‘the big screen’ again;
and wasn’t at all disappointed in her performance as Lucy’s mom. There’s also a
Peter Fonda (Ghost Rider, The Boondock
Saints II: All Saints Day, Copperhead) cameo that had me fairly giddy. (As
giddy as one can be through tears, of course.)
Rather than rambling further about the cast or how
profoundly the film struck a chord with me; I can sum it up with saying that
while I don’t think I can bring myself to watch this movie again, this is
definitely one that I would recommend in a heartbeat.
Production Companies:
Radish Creative Group, Bottom Line Entertainment, Parkside Pictures
Producer: Rachel
E. Cole, Jarod Einsohn, Brian Oakley, Danny Roth, Jeff Spilman, Damiano Tucci, Tiziano
Tucci, Amy S. Weber
Director: Amy S.
Writer: Amy S.
Actors: Hunter
King, Lexi Ainsworth, Jimmy Bennett, Amy S. Weber, Stephanie Cotton, Mark Boyd,
Christy Engle, Jon W. Martin, Madison Deadman, Anna Spaseski, Mariah Harrison,
Emma Dwyer, Michael Maurice, Christy Edwards, Kevin Yon, Linda Boston, Paul
Lang, Gino Borri, Sarah Kyrie Soraghan
Stunt Doubles: None
Blurb from Netflix:
A hidden camera and a documentary being filmed on campus help a bullied,
suicidal high schooler turn the tables on her queen-bee tormentor.
Selina’s Point of View:
Bullying is one of those issues that’s very dear to my
heart. As a result, films like this really get to me.
This drama mockumentary really hit the nail on the head
where the effects of bullying are concerned. Actually, it reminded me a lot of 13 Reasons Why (2017). If that story
were turned into a documentary-style film, A
Girl Like Her would be the outcome – with some obvious plot differences.
You get to see all sides of the story in this film. The suicidal
girl, the bullies, the friends of each, the school board, the faculty, etc.
Things are a little more candy-coated than in the aforementioned Netflix
original, but that makes the pill easier to swallow.
Bullying is a HUGE problem in the teenage world. Small
differences become huge reasons to disrespect fellow classmates. Disrespect can
lead to something much worse.
It’s easy to see shit like this and ask why words are such a
big problem? Why can’t she just block that girl’s number? Why can’t she just
let that stuff roll off her back? Couldn’t she just ignore her?
If you’re one of those people that asks those questions, I
have to wonder if you remember your teenage years at all.
Those of you who showed immense logic as a teen, you can
throw the first stone – otherwise, kindly relax yourself and understand that
the hormones running through human beings makes being a teen roughly the same
for absolutely everyone. Emotions are heightened, impulse control is low, and
there really is no such thing as just ‘letting it go’. Furthermore, the damage
done to us as teens – especially when no one intervenes – can wind up being
carried with us throughout our entire lives.
I remember being the bullied teen. I externalized a lot –
even attacking a close friend of mine who was trying to be supportive, because
I just didn’t know what to do with all that rage. However, I also internalized
even more. I did some stuff that could have been irreversible if I had done
just a little bit more.
Looking back at that time, it’s scary. It’s absolutely
terrifying that people who didn’t matter at all made me feel like I mattered
even less. And that’s what bullying is. It’s scared, emotional children trying
to take control of other people in order to take control of themselves.
And yes, I mean that statement for all bullies – whether they’re
12 or 89. They are scared, emotional children.
A movie like this really puts into context that bullies are
people too, and there’s a reason for what they do. It shows that those reasons
might not excuse that person’s actions, but still offers a reason. It’s
important to understand all sides of a problem in order to find a solution.
On that principle alone, I liked this film. However, there
are a ton of other reasons that I love it.
In mockumentaries like this, it’s easy to get swept away in
the shaky cam, but they managed to make it look very good. I wasn’t put off at
all and at no point did the video make me queasy. The acting was pretty decent,
and the story stayed true to reality. You had both clueless, and involved parents.
You had an administration with their heads so far up their asses that they
resembled an actual school board. The teacher’s hands were tied… it was all
very true-to-life. If I didn’t go into A
Girl Like Her knowing it was a drama, I might have thought it was a real
I would recommend this film in a heartbeat.
Cat’s Point of View:
This movie was profound.
I forgot for a bit that I was watching something fictional,
and not an actual documentary.
This film really hits home. I understand the deep hurt and
feeling of hopelessness that engulfed the character of Jessica. I may not have
ever been suicidal, but I remember feeling like I wanted to crawl into a hole
and hide from the world forever– and that was before the dawn of the internet
and social media. I can only imagine what it must be like to be bombarded with
harassment by modern bullies.
This is an issue my 14-year-old daughter has to contend
with. It scares me to death. There’s nothing like the sinking helpless feeling
when your child tells you that they don’t want to be here anymore. Verbal and
social assailants become this nebulous nameless malicious shadow in the
background that dashes out of reach when the light is shown on them. There’s a
culture out there – even in places that boast zero tolerance – where ‘snitches
get stitches’ and many a blind eye are turned. Silence holds sway in fear of
The performances were so on point that it was possible to
change the usual ‘suspense of disbelief’ into just straight forward belief in
the unfolding events. I appreciated that this film showed a balanced view –
giving multiple perspectives. We walked in the shoes of the bully for a minute
– and it wasn’t an excuse or a justification, but an eye-opening experience.
The whole story was handled tastefully. Self-harm was not painted in any sort
of glorified or sensationalized way.
I think that this movie is an excellent vehicle for teaching
awareness for bullying and its consequences. I would highly recommend sitting
down with the tweens and teens in your life and this film. Have some tissues
Speech Available:
Subtitles Available:
English, French, Spanish, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese
Most Well-Known
Projects: "Minimalet Minimalot" (1983), "The Silence Before
Bach" (2007), "La-Re-Mi-La-Fa-Re-Mi-Do-Re-Fa-Do-Mi
Fa-Re-Mi-Fa-Mi-La-Do-Mi-Fa-Mi-Re-Fa Mi-Fa-Mi-Re-La-Fa-Mi-Re-Do-Mi-Re-Mi
Fa-Re-Mi-Fa-Mi-Do-Re-Mi-Re-Fa-Mi-La" (1980), "Miro sculpteur"
First IMDb Credit:
29" Composer (1968)
Last IMDb Credit:
obras!" Himself (2017)
Charles Bradley
Age: 68
Date of Death: 23-Sep
Cause of Death: Stomach
Occupation: Soundtrack,
Number of IMDb
Credits: 34
Most Well-Known
Projects: "Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets" (2017),
"Stand Up Guys" (2012), "Dirty Grandpa" (2016), "Black
or White" (2014)
First IMDb Credit:
Tonight Show with Jay Leno" Soundtrack (2011)
Last IMDb Credit:
and the City of a Thousand Planets" Soundtrack (2017)
Charlie Murphy
Age: 57
Date of Death: 12-Apr
Cause of Death: Leukemia
Occupation: Actor,
Writer, Soundtrack, Producer
Number of IMDb
Credits: 106
Most Well-Known
Projects: "Norbit" (2007), "Night at the Museum" (2006),
"Roll Bounce" (2005), "Beverly Hills Cop II" (1987)
First IMDb Credit:
Night Live" Himself (1984)
Last IMDb Credit:
Comedy Get Down" Actor, Himself, In Memory Of (2017)
Chelsea Brown
Age: 74
Date of Death: 27-Mar
Cause of Death: Pneumonia
Occupation: Actor,
Number of IMDb
Credits: 39
Most Well-Known
Projects: "The Thing with Two Heads" (1972), "Peter Allen:
Not the Boy Next Door" (2015), "The Return of Captain
Invincible" (1983), "Welcome to Woop Woop" (1997)
First IMDb Credit:
Actor (1968)
Last IMDb Credit:
Allen: Not the Boy Next Door" Actor (2015)
Chester Bennington
Age: 41
Date of Death: 20-Jul
Cause of Death: Suicide
Occupation: Soundtrack,
Actor, Writer, Composer, Music Department, Producer
Number of IMDb
Credits: 115
Most Well-Known
Projects: "Transformers" (2007), "The One" (2001),
"Underworld: Evolution" (2006), "Crank: High Voltage"
First IMDb Credit:
Beyond" Soundtrack (1999)
Last IMDb Credit:
Guy" Soundtrack (2017)
Chinggoy Alonzo
Age: 67
Date of Death: 15-Oct
Cause of Death: Cancer
Occupation: Actor
Number of IMDb
Credits: 66
Most Well-Known
Projects: "Ikaw naman ang iiyak" (1996), "Anna Karenina"
(1996), "Etheria: Ang ikalimang kaharian ng Encantadia" (2005),
"Tudong Twosome" (2001)
First IMDb Credit:
artista ngayon" Actor (1979)
Last IMDb Credit:
ang lahat" Actor (2016-2017)
Chiquito de la
Age: 85
Date of Death: 11-Nov
Cause of Death: Surgery
Occupation: Actor,
Number of IMDb
Credits: 103
Most Well-Known Projects:
Condemor II" (1997), "Aqui llega Condemor, el pecador de la
pradera" (1996), "Papa Piquillo" (1998), "Moscow Gold"
First IMDb Credit:
Love Boat" Actor (1986)
Last IMDb Credit:
Actor (2017)
Chris Bearde
Age: 80
Date of Death: 23-Apr
Cause of Death: Heart
Occupation: Writer,
Producer, Music Department, Actor, Director, Soundtrack
Number of IMDb
Credits: 77
Most Well-Known
Projects: "The Sonny and Cher Comedy Hour" (1971-1974),
"Rowan & Martin's Laugh-In" (1967-1969), "The Bobby Vinton
Show" (1975-1978), "The Ray Stevens Show" (1970)
First IMDb Credit:
Time" Himself (1955)
Last IMDb Credit:
Gong Show with Dave Attell" Writer (2008)
Chris Cornell
Age: 52
Date of Death: 18-May
Cause of Death: Suicide
Occupation: Soundtrack,
Composer, Actor, Writer, Director, Music Department, Producer
Number of IMDb
Credits: 191
Most Well-Known
Projects: "Casino Royale" (2006), "Machine Gun Preacher"
(2011), "Man of Steel" (2013), "The Avengers" (2012)
First IMDb Credit:
Anything…" Soundtrack (1989)
Last IMDb Credit:
Game" Soundtrack (2017)
Chris Roberts
Age: 71
Date of Death: 2-Jun
Cause of Death: Unknown
Occupation: Actor,
Number of IMDb
Credits: 51
Most Well-Known
Projects: "Wenn die tollen Tanten kommen" (1970), "Musik,
Musik - da wackelt die Penne" (1970), "Unsere Pauker gehen in die
Luft" (1970), "Wenn jeder Tag ein Sonntag war" (1973)
First IMDb Credit:
Musici" Actor (1968)
Last IMDb Credit:
relaxter Sommer" Actor (2015)
Chris Wiggins
Age: 87
Date of Death: 19-Feb
Cause of Death: Alzheimer's
Occupation: Actor,
Number of IMDb
Credits: 149
Most Well-Known
Projects: "Rock & Rule" (1983), "The Best Damn Fiddler
from Calabogie to Kaladar" (1969), "Friday's Curse" (1987-1990),
"Care Bears Movie II: A New Generation" (1986)
First IMDb Credit:
Camera" Actor (1956)
Last IMDb Credit:
and the Adventures of Badou" Actor (2010-2011)
Christine Kaufmann
Age: 72
Date of Death: 28-Mar
Cause of Death: Leukemia
Occupation: Actor
Number of IMDb
Credits: 148
Most Well-Known
Projects: "Taras Bulba" (1962), "Town Without Pay"
(1961), "The Last Days of Pompeii" (1959), "Constantine and the
Cross" (1961)
First IMDb Credit:
Weissen Rossl" Actor (1952)
Last IMDb Credit:
Stars" Herself (2017)
Chris Boykin
Age: 45
Date of Death: 9-May
Cause of Death: Heart
Occupation: Writer,
Actor, Producer
Number of IMDb
Credits: 14
Most Well-Known
Projects: "Rob & Big" (2006-2008), "Sk8 Life"
(2006), "The DC Video" (2003), "Snack Off" (2014)
First IMDb Credit:
DC Video" Actor (2003)
Last IMDb Credit:
P.O.V." Himself (2015)
Age: 87
Date of Death: 7-Apr
Cause of Death: Unknown
Occupation: Director,
Producer, Actor
Number of IMDb
Credits: 63
Most Well-Known
Projects: "The Jewel in the Crown" (1984), "W. Somerset
Maugham" (1969), "Screen One" (1990-1993), "ITV Sunday
Night Theatre" (1969-1971)
First IMDb Credit:
Play of the Week" Actor (1956)
Most Well-Known
Projects: "X-Men: First Class" (2011), "Teenage Mutant Ninja
Turtles: Out of the Shadows" (2016), "Confessions of a Dangerous
Mind" (2002), "The Gong Show Movie" (1980)
First IMDb Credit:
a Go Go" Soundtrack (1965)
Last IMDb Credit:
Himself (2017)
Chuck Berry
Age: 90
Date of Death: 18-Mar
Cause of Death: Cardiac
Occupation: Soundtrack,
Music Department, Actor, Composer, Producer, Promoter
Number of IMDb
Credits: 384
Most Well-Known
Projects: "Back to the Future" (1985), "Rush Hour"
(1998), "Men in Black" (1997), "Pulp Fiction" (1994)
First IMDb Credit:
Rock Rock!" Soundtrack, Himself (1956)
Last IMDb Credit:
Score" Soundtrack (2017)
Claude Rich
Age: 88
Date of Death: 20-Jul
Cause of Death: Illness
Occupation: Actor,
Number of IMDb
Credits: 181
Most Well-Known
Projects: "Je t'aime, je t'aime" (1968), "Asterix and Obelix
Meet Cleopatra" (2002), "Le souper" (1992), "Revenge of the
Musketeers" (1994)
First IMDb Credit:
Grand Maneuver" Actor (1955)
Last IMDb Credit:
a travers le cinema francais" Himself (2017)
Claudio Baez
Age: 69
Date of Death: 19-Nov
Cause of Death: Unknown
Occupation: Actor
Number of IMDb
Credits: 68
Most Well-Known Projects:
con la muerte" (1985), "Narco terror" (1985), "El diario
intimo de una cabaretera" (1989), "Bulldog" (1993)
First IMDb Credit:
los hijos se van" Actor (1983)
Last IMDb Credit:
Up with You" Actor (2016)
Clifford David
Age: 89
Date of Death: 30-Nov
Cause of Death: Unknown
Occupation: Actor,
Number of IMDb
Credits: 64
Most Well-Known
Projects: "Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure" (1989),
"Signs" (2002), "Kinsey" (2004), "The Last Mile"
First IMDb Credit:
Theatre" Actor (1953)
Last IMDb Credit:
Actor (2016)
Clifton James
Age: 96
Date of Death: 15-Apr
Cause of Death: Diabetes
Occupation: Actor
Number of IMDb
Credits: 116
Most Well-Known
Projects: "Live and Let Die" (1973), "The Man with the Golden
Gun" (1974), "Superman II" (1980), "Cool Hand Luke"
First IMDb Credit:
Secret Storm" Actor (1954)
Last IMDb Credit:
Bond with Mark Gatiss and Matthew Sweet" Actor (2015)
Conrad Brooks
Age: 86
Date of Death: 6-Dec
Cause of Death: Blood
Occupation: Actor,
Producer, Director, Writer
Number of IMDb
Credits: 150
Most Well-Known
Projects: "Plan 9 from Outer Space" (1959), "Jan-Gel, the
Beast from the East" (1999), "Ed Wood" (1994), "Glen or
Glenda" (1953)
First IMDb Credit:
Actor (1953)
Last IMDb Credit:
Actor (2018)
Cuba Gooding Sr.
Age: 72
Date of Death: 20-Apr
Cause of Death: Natural
Occupation: Actor,
Producer, Soundtrack
Number of IMDb
Credits: 16
Most Well-Known
Projects: "Thank God It's Friday" (1978), "The
Regiment" (2016), "Children of the Struggle" (1999),
"Gedo" (2000)
First IMDb Credit:
"Save the Children" Himself (1973)
Last IMDb Credit:
"The Sugar Shack" Himself (2018)
Curt Lowens
Age: 91
Date of Death: 8-May
Cause of Death: Fall
Occupation: Actor,
Number of IMDb
Credits: 138
Most Well-Known
Projects: "Angels & Demons" (2009), "Flightplan"
(2005), "The Six Million Dollar Man" (1974-1977), "Miracle at
St. Anna" (2008)
First IMDb Credit:
"The DuPont Show of the Month" Actor (1959)
Last IMDb Credit:
"Curt Lowens: A Life of Changes" Himself (2015)
Daliah Lavi
Age: 76
Date of Death: 3-May
Cause of Death: Unknown
Occupation: Actor,
Number of IMDb
Credits: 82
Most Well-Known
Projects: "Ten Little Indians" (1965), "Two Weeks in Another
Town" (1962), "Casino Royale" (1967), "The Silencers"
First IMDb Credit:
"The People of Hemso" Actor (1955)
Last IMDb Credit:
"Tito's Glasses" Soundtrack (2014)
Daniel Licht
Age: 60
Date of Death: 2-Aug
Cause of Death: Sarcoma
Occupation: Composer,
Soundtrack, Music Department, Actor
Number of IMDb
Credits: 92
Most Well-Known
Projects: "Dexter" (2006-2013), "Dishonored 2" (2016),
"Guilt" (2016), "The Red Road" (2014-2015)
First IMDb Credit:
"Atrapados" Composer (1981)
Last IMDb Credit:
"Dishonored: Death of the Outsiders" Composer (2017)
Most Well-Known
Projects: "Nova" (2002-2010), "Hot Hero Sandwich"
(1979), "Cannonball!" (1976), "Lost at Sea: The Search for
Longitude" (1998)
First IMDb Credit:
Kangaroo" Writer (1955)
Last IMDb Credit:
Night" Soundtrack (2017)
David Cassidy
Age: 67
Date of Death: 21-Nov
Cause of Death: Liver
Occupation: Actor,
Soundtrack, Music Department, Producer, Writer, Composer
Number of IMDb
Credits: 182
Most Well-Known
Projects: "The Partridge Family" (1970-1974), "Police
Story" (1978), "David Cassidy - Man Undercover" (1978-1979),
"The Flash" (1991)
First IMDb Credit:
"The Survivors" Actor (1969)
Last IMDb Credit:
"Dr. Phil" Himself (2017)
David Phillips
Age: 66
Date of Death: 4-Feb
Cause of Death: Natural
Occupation: Cinematographer,
Camera and Electrical Department, Director, Actor, Art Department, Editor,
Number of IMDb
Credits: 40
Most Well-Known Projects:
"The Basketball Diaries" (1995), "To a Random" (1986),
"Curse" (2011), "Beer League" (2006)
First IMDb Credit:
"American Playhouse" Art Department (1984)
Last IMDb Credit:
"Max's Kansas City" Cinematographer (2013)
David Shepard
Age: 77
Date of Death: 31-Jan
Cause of Death: Kidney
Occupation: Consultant,
Curator, Restoration, Producer, Director, Actor
Number of IMDb
Credits: 108
Most Well-Known
Projects: "The General" (1926), "Lone Survivor" (2013),
"The Lost World" (1925), "The Hunchback of Notre Dame"
First IMDb Credit:
Unknown - Issues with IMDb (credited for things in 1915 when he was born in
Last IMDb Credit:
"Lost Sounds of the Silents" Himself (2018)
David Lewis
Age: 66
Date of Death: 4-Jul
Cause of Death: Pancreatic
Occupation: Sound
Department, Consultant
Number of IMDb
Credits: 118
Most Well-Known
Projects: "Starship Troopers" (1997), "The Fifth
Element" (1997), "Escape from New York" (1981), "Chain
Reaction" (1996)
First IMDb Credit:
"Deathsport" Sound Department (1978)
Last IMDb Credit:
from the Cold" Himself (2016)
Deborah Watling
Age: 69
Date of Death: 21-Jul
Cause of Death: Lung
Occupation: Actor,
Number of IMDb
Credits: 64
Most Well-Known
Projects: "The Invisible Man" (1958-1959), "Doctor Who"
(1967-1984), "The Wednesday Play" (1965-1966), "Doctor Who:
Dimensions in Time" (1993)
First IMDb Credit:
Tell" Actor (1959)
Last IMDb Credit:
Who: The Ultimate Companion" Actor (2014)
Debra Chasnoff
Age: 60
Date of Death: 7-Nov
Cause of Death: Breast
Occupation: Director,
Producer, Writer
Number of IMDb
Credits: 22
Most Well-Known
Projects: "It's Elementary: Talking About Gay Issues in School"
(1996), "That's a Family" (2000), "Deadly Deception: General
Electric, Nuclear Weapons, and Our Environment" (1991), "Digital
Divide" (1999)
First IMDb Credit:
"Dear Diary: A Film About Female Puberty" Production Assistant (1981)
Last IMDb Credit:
"Straightlaced: How Gender's Got Us All Tied Up" Director, Producer
Della Reese
Age: 86
Date of Death: 19-Nov
Cause of Death: Unknown
Occupation: Actor,
Soundtrack, Writer
Number of IMDb
Credits: 208
Most Well-Known
Projects: "Touched by an Angel" (1994-2003), "Dinosaur"
(2000), "A Thin Line Between Love and Hate" (1996), "Harlem
Nights" (1989)
First IMDb Credit:
"Stage Show" Herself (1956)
Last IMDb Credit:
"Bates Motel" Soundtrack (2017)
Denis McGrath
Age: 48
Date of Death: 23-Mar
Cause of Death: Cancer
Occupation: Writer,
Producer, Editor, Actor, Director
Number of IMDb
Credits: 55
Most Well-Known
Projects: "X Company" (2015-2016), "Across the River to
Motor City" (2007), "Aftermath" (2016), "Continuum"
First IMDb Credit:
"Hanging' In" Actor (1983)
Last IMDb Credit:
"Creeped Out" Writer (2017)
Dennis Banks
Age: 80
Date of Death: 29-Oct
Cause of Death: Pneumonia
Occupation: Actor,
Producer, Consultant
Number of IMDb
Credits: 20
Most Well-Known
Projects: "The Last of the Mohicans" (1992), "War
Party" (1988), "Thunderheart" (1992), "Older Than
America" (2008)
First IMDb Credit:
"Plein Cadre" Himself (1976)
Last IMDb Credit:
"The Longest Walk" Himself (2017)
Deon Stewardson
Age: 65
Date of Death: 27-Oct
Cause of Death: Suicide
Occupation: Actor
Number of IMDb
Credits: 33
Most Well-Known
Projects: "Wild at Heart" (2006-2013), "Lethal Woman"
(1988), "American Ninja 4: The Annihilation" (1990), "Cyborg Cop
III" (1995)
First IMDb Credit:
and Kill Again" Actor (1981)
Last IMDb Credit:
at Heart" Actor (2006-2013)
Dick Contino
Age: 87
Date of Death: 19-Apr
Cause of Death: Unknown
Occupation: Actor,
Number of IMDb
Credits: 25
Most Well-Known
Projects: "Daddy-O" (1958), "Girls Town" (1959),
"The Beat Generation" (1959), "The Big Night" (1960)
First IMDb Credit:
"The Spike Jones Show" Actor (1954)
Last IMDb Credit:
Club" Himself (2011)
Dick Enberg
Age: 82
Date of Death: 21-Dec
Cause of Death: Heart
Occupation: Actor,
Number of IMDb
Credits: 115
Most Well-Known
Projects: "The Naked Gun: From the Files of Police Squad!"
(1988), "Heaven Can Wait" (1978), "Mr 3000" (2004),
"Pitch" (2016)
First IMDb Credit:
Actor (2016)
Last IMDb Credit:
of the Week" Himself (1966)
Dick Gautier
Age: 85
Date of Death: 13-Jan
Cause of Death: Pneumonia
Occupation: Actor,
Writer, Producer, Soundtrack
Number of IMDb
Credits: 151
Most Well-Known
Projects: "The Transformers" (1986-1987), "G.I. Joe"
(1986), "Get Smart" (1966-1968), "G.I. Joe: The Movie"
First IMDb Credit:
"The Ed Sullivan Show" Himself (1960)
Last IMDb Credit:
"Nip/Tuck" Actor (2010)
Dick Gregory
Age: 84
Date of Death: 19-Aug
Cause of Death: Congestive
Heart Failure
Occupation: Actor,
Number of IMDb
Credits: 139
Most Well-Known
Projects: "The Hot Chick" (2002), "ABC Stage 67"
(1967), "Reno 911!" (2004), "Wonder Showzen" (2005)
First IMDb Credit:
"ABC Close-Up!" Himself (1962)
Last IMDb Credit:
"Bowl of Dreams: The U Street Expanded Series" Himself (2018)
Most Well-Known
Projects: "Trente-Six Chansons" (1956-1957), "It Happened on
the 36 Candles" (1957), "Amours, delices et orgues" (1947),
"Le theatre de Tristan Bernard" (1975)
First IMDb Credit:
"Bifur 3" Actor (1945)
Last IMDb Credit:
"La case de l'oncle Doc" Himself (2013)
Don Pedro Colley
Age: 79
Date of Death: 11-Oct
Cause of Death: Cancer
Occupation: Actor,
Director, Producer
Number of IMDb
Credits: 56
Most Well-Known
Projects: "THX 1138" (1971), "Beneath the Planet of the
Apes" (1970), "Sugar Hill" (1974), "Midnight Massacre"
First IMDb Credit:
"Daktari" Actor (1967)
Last IMDb Credit:
"Midnight Massacre" Actor, Director, Producer (2016)
Don Gordon
Age: 90
Date of Death: 24-Apr
Cause of Death: Unknown
Occupation: Actor,
Number of IMDb
Credits: 142
Most Well-Known
Projects: "Bullitt" (1968), "The Towering Inferno"
(1974), "Papillon" (1973), "Lethal Weapon #2" (1987)
First IMDb Credit:
"Twelve O'Clock High" Actor (1949)
Last IMDb Credit:
"Legion" Actor (2016)
Don Ohlmeyer
Age: 72
Date of Death: 10-Sep
Cause of Death: Cancer
Occupation: Producer,
Director, Writer
Number of IMDb
Credits: 61
Most Well-Known
Projects: "NFL Monday Night Football" (1970), "Special
Bulletin" (1983), "Stroh's Circle of Sports" (1985), "1st
Annual MTV Video Music Awards" (1984)
First IMDb Credit:
"Major League Baseball on NBC" Producer (1947)
Last IMDb Credit:
"The Seventies" Himself (2015)
Don Rickles
Age: 90
Date of Death: 6-Apr
Cause of Death: Kidney
Occupation: Actor,
Number of IMDb
Credits: 315
Most Well-Known
Projects: "Casino" (1995), "Toy Story" (1995),
"Kelly's Heroes" (1970), "Toy Story 2" (1999)
First IMDb Credit:
"Stage 7" Actor (1955)
Last IMDb Credit:
"Dinner with Don" Himself (2017)
Don Williams
Age: 78
Date of Death: 8-Sep
Cause of Death: Emphysema
Occupation: Soundtrack,
Number of IMDb
Credits: 31
Most Well-Known
Projects: "The Wendell Baker Story" (2005), "W. W. and the
Dixie Dancekings" (1975), "The Dukes of Hazard: Reunion! (1997),
"Smokey and the Bandit II" (1980)
First IMDb Credit:
Porter Wagoner Show" Soundtrack (1974)
Last IMDb Credit:
Wendell Baker Story" Soundtrack (2005)
Douglas Netter
Age: 95
Date of Death: 10-May
Cause of Death: Unknown
Occupation: Producer,
Consultant, Actor
Number of IMDb
Credits: 31
Most Well-Known
Projects: "The Wild Geese" (1978), "Hypernauts" (1996),
"The Ambushers" (1967), "The Wild West" (1993)
First IMDb Credit:
Ambushers" Producer (1967)
Last IMDb Credit:
5: The Lost Tales" Producer (2007)
Stanojevic (aka Bata Kameni)
Age: 75
Date of Death: 24-May
Cause of Death: Unknown
Occupation: Actor,
Stunts, Special Effects, Misc.
Number of IMDb
Credits: 196
Most Well-Known
Projects: "Strangler vs. Strangler" (1984), "The Marathon
Family" (1982), "Gotcha!" (1985), "Avalanche Express"
First IMDb Credit:
na Drinu" Actor (1964)
Last IMDb Credit:
kaskader" Actor, Thanks (2012)
Drahomira Vihanova
Age: 87
Date of Death: 10-Dec
Cause of Death: Illness
Occupation: Director,
Writer, Editor, Consultant
Number of IMDb
Credits: 37
Most Well-Known
Projects: "The Pilgrimage of Students Peter and Jacob" (2000),
"Pevnost" (1994), "Zahrada plna plenek" (1983),
"Squandered Sunday" (1969)
First IMDb Credit:
on the Black Keys" Director, Writer, Editor (1965)
Last IMDb Credit:
and Dog" Consultant, Thanks (2017)
Dudley Simpson
Age: 95
Date of Death: 4-Nov
Cause of Death: Natural
Occupation: Music
Department, Composer, Actor, Soundtrack, Sound Department
Number of IMDb
Credits: 99
Most Well-Known
Projects: "Doctor Who" (1964-1980), "Sally Ann" (1979),
"Paul Temple" (1971), "Out of the Unknown" (1965-1966)
First IMDb Credit:
Horrible Luck" Composer (1961)
Last IMDb Credit:
Great Curator" Music Department (2017)
Earle Hyman
Age: 91
Date of Death: 17-Nov
Cause of Death: Unknown
Occupation: Actor
Number of IMDb
Credits: 53
Most Well-Known Projects:
Cosby Show" (1984-1992), "Long Day's Journey Into Night" (1982),
"Thundercats - Ho! The Movie" (1985), "Thundercats"
First IMDb Credit:
Lost Weekend" Actor (1945)
Last IMDb Credit:
Shakespeare Changed My Life" Himself (2016)
Edwin Sherin
Age: 87
Date of Death: 4-May
Cause of Death: Unknown
Occupation: Producer,
Director, Consultant, Art Department, Actor, Writer
Number of IMDb
Credits: 33
Most Well-Known
Projects: "Law & Order" (1991-2005), "Homicide: Life on
the Street" (1996-1999), "Valdez Is Coming" (1971),
"Medium" (2006)
First IMDb Credit:
Actor (1958)
Last IMDb Credit:
71st Annual Tony Awards" Memoriam (2017)
Egil Monn-Iversen
Age: 89
Date of Death: 7-Jul
Cause of Death: Chronic
Occupation: Composer,
Producer, Music Department, Writer, Soundtrack
Most Well-Known
Projects: "Wenn du grob bist, lieber Adam" (1990), "Lotte in
Weimar" (1975), "Morenga" (1985), "Lenz" (1992)
First IMDb Credit:
Stacheltier - Das Wiedersehen" Writer (1953)
Last IMDb Credit:
Lebenslaufe" Director (2002)
Elena Verdugo
Age: 92
Date of Death: 30-May
Cause of Death: Natural
Occupation: Actor,
Number of IMDb
Credits: 89
Most Well-Known
Projects: "Marcus Welby, M.D." (1969-1976), "House of
Frankenstein" (1944), "Cyrano de Bergarac" (1950), "The
Moon and Sixpence" (1942)
First IMDb Credit:
of the West" Actor (1931)
Last IMDb Credit:
of Television" Herself (2014)
Elizabeth Kemp
Age: 65
Date of Death: 1-Sep
Cause of Death: Cancer
Occupation: Actor,
Number of IMDb
Credits: 32
Most Well-Known
Projects: "He Knows You're Alone" (1980), "Emperor of the
Free World" (2016), "The Clairvoyant" (1982), "Love of
Life" (1951)
First IMDb Credit:
of Life" Actor (1951)
Last IMDb Credit:
Thanks (2018)
Elsa Daniel
Age: 80
Date of Death: 25-Jun
Cause of Death: Unknown
Occupation: Actor
Number of IMDb
Credits: 37
Most Well-Known
Projects: "El romance del Aniceto y la Francisca" (1967), "El
abuelo" (1954), "Cosquin, amor y folklore" (1965), "La mano
en la trampa" (1961)
First IMDb Credit:
abuelo" Actor (1954)
Last IMDb Credit:
y algo mas" Actor (1987)
Elsa Martinelli
Age: 82
Date of Death: 8-Jul
Cause of Death: Cancer
Occupation: Actor,
Number of IMDb Credits:
Most Well-Known
Projects: "Hatari!" (1962), "Donatella" (1956), "Il
mio corpo per un poker" (1968), "Candy" (1968)
First IMDb Credit:
di Sanremo" Herself (1951)
Last IMDb Credit:
col microfono" Herself (2005)
Emile Degelin
Age: 90
Date of Death: 20-May
Cause of Death: Unknown
Occupation: Director,
Writer, Editor, Producer
Number of IMDb
Credits: 62
Most Well-Known
Projects: "Si le vent te fait peur" (1960), "Life and Death
in Flanders" (1963), "Sirenes" (1961), "Palaver"
First IMDb Credit:
marins congolais a Anvers" Director (1952)
Last IMDb Credit:
ooggetuige" Director, Writer (1995)
First IMDb Credit:
de l'histoire" Actor (1957)
Last IMDb Credit:
Actor (2017)
Enrico Medioli
Age: 92
Date of Death: 21-Apr
Cause of Death: Natural
Occupation: Writer,
Number of IMDb
Credits: 43
Most Well-Known
Projects: "Rocco and His Brothers" (1960), "Conversation
Piece" (1974), "The Damned" (1969), "Once Upon a Time in
America" (1984)
First IMDb Credit:
Writer (1955)
Last IMDb Credit:
Damnes" Writer (2016)
Eric Zumbrunnen
Age: 52
Date of Death: 1-Aug
Cause of Death: Cancer
Occupation: Editor,
Number of IMDb
Credits: 37
Most Well-Known
Projects: "Being John Malkovich" (1999), "Her" (2013),
"Adaptation." (2002), "John Carter" (2012)
First IMDb Credit:
The Video Collection '92" (1991)
Last IMDb Credit:
Dedicated To (2017)
Erika Remberg
Age: 86
Date of Death: 10-Nov
Cause of Death: Unknown
Occupation: Actor
Number of IMDb
Credits: 49
Most Well-Known
Projects: "The Saint" (1966), "Sehnsucht hat mich
verfuhrt" (1958), "Schlagerrevenue 1962" (1961), "Mord in
Rio" (1963)
First IMDb Credit:
Geigenmacher von Mittenwald" Actor (1950)
Last IMDb Credit:
Blood" Actor (1990)
Erin Moran
Age: 56
Date of Death: 22-Apr
Cause of Death: Head
and Neck Cancer
Occupation: Actor,
Number of IMDb
Credits: 86
Most Well-Known
Projects: "Joanie Loves Chachi" (1982-1983), "Happy
Days" (1974-1984), "Galaxy of Terror" (1981), "Diagnosis
Murder" (1998)
First IMDb Credit:
Minding the Mint?" Actor (1967)
Last IMDb Credit:
Spasoff Comedian with Erin Moran Web Series 29" Herself (2017)
Eugenio Polgovsky
Age: 40
Date of Death: 11-Aug
Cause of Death: Unknown
Occupation: Cinematographer,
Director, Actor, Writer, Editor, Producer, Sound Department
Number of IMDb
Credits: 30
Most Well-Known
Projects: "Tropico de cancer" (2004), "Los herederos"
(2008), "Resurreccion" (2016), "Mexican Ritual" (2012)
First IMDb Credit:
abuelo y yo" Actor (1992)
Last IMDb Credit:
Cinematographer, Director, Writer, Editor, Producer (2016)
Eva Schubert
Age: 86
Date of Death: 11-Jul
Cause of Death: Unknown
Occupation: Actor,
Makeup Department, Soundtrack
Number of IMDb
Credits: 95
Most Well-Known
Projects: "The Csardas Princess" (1971), "Kakuk Marci"
(1973), "Story of My Foolishness" (1966), "Ketten haltak
meg" (1966)
First IMDb Credit:
Half Pint of Beer" Actor (1955)
Last IMDb Credit:
delibab" Actor (2015)
Eva Todor
Age: 98
Date of Death: 10-Dec
Cause of Death: Pneumonia
Occupation: Actor
Number of IMDb
Credits: 41
Most Well-Known
Projects: "Pao, Amor e… Totobola" (1964), "My Name Ain't
Johnny" (2008), "Os dois Ladroes" (1960), "India: A Love
Story" (2009)
First IMDb Credit:
Teatro Tupi" Actor (1953-1957)
Last IMDb Credit:
Woman" Actor (2012-2013)
Evan Helmuth
Age: 40
Date of Death: 17-Jul
Cause of Death: Stroke
Occupation: Actor,
Number of IMDb
Credits: 42
Most Well-Known
Projects: "Fever Pitch" (2005), "Jobs" (2013), "The
Devil Inside" (2012), "Garfield" (2004)
First IMDb Credit:
Storage" Actor (1999)
Last IMDb Credit:
In Memory Of (2017)
Age: 88
Date of Death: 2-Oct
Cause of Death: Unknown
Occupation: Actor,
Soundtrack, Music Department
Number of IMDb
Credits: 79
Most Well-Known
Projects: "A Walk in the Clouds" (1995), "Nos traicionara el
presidente?" (1988), "Un hombre en la trampa" (1965), "El
superflaco" (1959)
First IMDb Credit:
Insanities of Tin Tan" Actor (1952)
Last IMDb Credit:
una historia verdadera" Actor (2016)
Evzen Kolar
Age: 67
Date of Death: 11-Jul
Cause of Death: Illness
Occupation: Producer,
Director, Stunts, Actor, Production Manager
Number of IMDb
Credits: 20
Most Well-Known Projects:
of the Universe" (1987), "Double Impact" (1991), "Never Say
Never Again" (1983), "Inferno" (1999)
First IMDb Credit:
on Tour" First Assistant Director (1980)
Last IMDb Credit:
Boys & Girl from County Clare" Producer (2003)