Number Rolled: 6
Movie Name/Year: Saving
Santa (2013)
Genre: Children
& Family
Length: 83
Rating: TV-G
Affiliated Companies:
Gateway Films, Prana Animation Studios, The Weinstein Company
Executive Producer:
Nathan Baggett, Terry Byrne, Mike Diamond, Nicola Fenn, Brian Gray, Chris
Howard, Max Howard, Martin Hughes, Tony Jimenez, John Kennedy, Lord Kirkham,
Frank Mannion, Paul McKeon, Chris Rokos, Anil Samani, Nia Syson, Presley
Warner, Mike Watson
Director: Leon
Joosen, Aaron Seelman
Writer: Tony
Nottage, Ricky Roxburgh
Actors: Newell
Alexander, Noel Clarke, Joan Collins, Tim Conway, Tim Curry, Holly Dorff, Pam
Ferris, Martin Freeman, Nicholas Guest, Ashley Tisdale, Tom Baker
Bernard D. Elf wants to be an inventor. He’s got his heart
set on creating the next big thing for Santa. However, he’s more accident prone
than anything else, and Christmas this year is going to have enough issues.
There’s a little discrepancy as to whether or not Tom Baker
(Doctor Who, Little Britain USA, The
Beeps) was really in this movie. IMDB lists him as an actor in it, but with
the same part as Tim Conway and I’m not exactly sure how that works. Noel Clarke
(Star Trek Into Darkness, Storage 24,
Centurion) is an actor from Doctor
Who, though, which amuses me because of all the wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey
going on in this film.
Despite the time-jumping, I found Saving Santa to be a little generic. Even with that belief, it was
kind of adorable and the music was catchy.
I probably wouldn't watch Saving Santa again. At least, not alone; I might watch it with a
child. There was much less appeal for someone of my age than some of the other
animated kid’s films floating around Netflix.
Cute for Christmas, cute for kids, not terrible in general
but far from amazing.
Rotten Tomatoes Critic Score – 20%
Rotten Tomatoes Audience Score – 38%
Netflix’s Prediction for Me – 3.3/5
Trust-the-Dice Score – 2.5/5
The Random Rating:
P.S. There’s an extra scene after the first part of the
Movie Trailer:
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