Number Rolled: 20
Movie Name/Year: The
Call of Cthulhu (2005)
Genre: Horror
Length: 46
Rating: NR
Director: Andrew
Writer: H.P.
Lovecraft, Sean Braney
Actors: Matt
Foyer, John Bolen, Ralph Lucas, Chad Fifer, Susan Zucker, Kalafatic Poole, John
Klemantaski, Jason Owens, D. Grigsby Poland, David Mersault, Barry Lynch, Dan
Novy, Daryl Ball, John Joly, Jason Peterson, Matthew Malcomson
This movie is not a new remake of the story of Cthulhu, it is
the movie version of the original short story written by H.P. Lovecraft. The
nephew of a professor that had been researching the cult of Cthulhu is followed
by this story. Slowly he learns about the cult and that cult believes the day
the old one will rise is nearing and that he will rule the Earth. As he nears
the end of his own life, he makes a desperate plea to his psychiatrist to
destroy the records.
I have to admit, I absolutely hated this movie, but I feel
unqualified to critique it. I hadn’t realized when I added it to my instant
queue that it was a silent film and in black and white. I should have, because
it does say so right on the cover – but I overlooked that.
In the past you’ve seen me state that people that hate a
certain type of movie shouldn’t review that type of movie and I, personally,
hate silent movies. So I feel uncomfortable adding a review. The story itself
is the classic, and so if you like that kind of thing and you like the silent
movie genre, watch it.
I will say that this is the first movie I’ve ever seen have
a 100% on Rotten Tomatoes. That alone is kind of impressive.
I’m giving it a medium-rating for the sake of the blog, but don’t
put any stake in it.
Overall Opinion – 2.5/5
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