Number Rolled: 13
Movie Name/Year:
Balls Out: Gary the Tennis Coach (2009)
Genres: Comedy
Length: 93
Rating: R
Director: Danny
Writer: Andy
Stock, Rick Stempson
Actors: Seann William Scott, Randy Quaid, Brando Eaton, Emilee Wallace, A.D. Miles, Leonor
Varela, Ryan Simpkins, Conor Donovan, Justin Chon, Meredith Eaton, Daniel Ross,
Vincent Coleman Taylor, Zach Thatcher
What the hell did I just force myself to watch? Obviously,
Andy Stock and Rick Stempson were high when writing this movie and blackmailed
Danny Leiner to direct it. It had its funny parts, true enough, enough to keep
it from being a 1, but are you kidding me?
Think “The Mighty Ducks” only with Sean William Scott
playing an older and even MORE ridiculous version of every character he’s ever
played. You can’t really judge the rest of the actors/actresses because they
were all acting in a script that was meant to make the audience groan and laugh
at the cost of actually being good.
Look, I like a good raunchy comedy. Kevin Smith is my
favorite writer/director and he’s made a lot of them. But this was… I don’t
even know what to say. Tennis team coach has a heart-attack, Sean William
Scott’s character takes over and the attempt at making child molestation funny
begins. Seriously? Sometimes this whole random thing makes me want to punch the
Overall Opinion – 1.5/5
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