Friday, October 25, 2024

Killer Countdown - 2:22 (2017)

Streaming Service: Hulu
Movie Name/Year: 2:22 (2017)
Genre: Drama, Mystery, Romance, Sci-Fi, Thriller
Length: 1h 38min
Rating: PG-13
Director: Paul Currie
Writers: Todd Stein, Nathan Parker
Actors: Michiel Huisman, Teresa Palmer, Sam Reid, John Waters, Kerry Armstrong, Richard Davies, Maeve Dermody, Remy Hii, Simone Kessell, Mitchell Butel, Barry Quin, Zara Michales, Nancy Denis, Duncan Ragg, Jessica Clarke, Jack Ellis
IMDb Blurb: A man's life is derailed when an ominous pattern of events repeats itself in exactly the same manner every day, ending at precisely 2:22 p.m.
Cat’s Point of View:
I've actually been dying to watch 2:22 ever since it released. Circumstances and timing just haven't fallen into place with attention span to make it happen before right now. I was excited that needing a thriller to fill a spot in our Killer Countdown opened up an opportunity for me to finally watch.
On paper, 2:22 is an ambitious story blending romance with some thrilling sci-fi, a dash of mystery, a puzzle, and a question regarding fate and the nature of the universe. Those might have been deeper concepts than anyone hoping for an action-thriller would want, unfortunately. 2:22 doesn't play out on the edge of your seat like that, though. It's more romance and drama than the more action-oriented genres.
All the same, I actually really enjoyed it. I like it when a movie makes me think, and I had a lot of fun putting this puzzle together along with the characters. I appreciated as each layer to the story settled in to create the bigger picture revealed by the end. I was drawn in like a moth to flame.
Of course, it helped a lot that the leads playing the couple in question are 2 actors who I really enjoy – Teresa Palmer (Berlin Syndrome, A Discovery of Witches, The Fall Guy) and Michiel Huisman (The Ottoman Lieutenant, The Red Sea Diving Resort, Rebel Moon - Part One: A Child of Fire). They had good chemistry in these roles and really sold their connection. 2:22 was so much more than that, though. The cinematography was fabulous – there were several moments that were actually rather breathtaking.
I imagine that this wasn't exactly what audiences had in mind, however, when attending a summer thriller. The pacing and the general ambiance of the movie, while great in this context, wouldn't likely appeal to anyone seeking a summer blockbuster popcorn flick.
If you enjoy this cast, a story laced with an ethereal soundtrack, contemplation upon fate, and a light time-centric concept then 2:22 might be up your alley. Just don't expect fight choreography or anything like that. It's just not that kind of movie. After a long day, this was a refreshing watch for me. While 2:22 wasn't full of blood and gore, I felt it was, in fact, killer.
Rotten Tomatoes Critic Score – 20%
Rotten Tomatoes Audience Score – 38%
Metascore – None
Metacritic User Score – 6.0/10
IMDB Score – 5.7/10
Trust the Dice: Cat’s Rating – 4/5
Movie Trailer:

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