Monday, March 7, 2022

The Seed (2022)

Streaming Service: Shudder
Movie Name/Year: The Seed (2022)
Genre: Comedy, Horror, Sci-Fi
Length: 91 minutes
Rating: Unrated
Production/Distribution: Camelot Films, Hardman Pictures, Shudder
Director: Sam Walker
Writer: Sam Walker
Actors: Lucy Martin, Sophie Vavasseur, Chelsea Edge, Anthony Edridge, Jamie Wittebrood, Shirley Barchou Pisani
IMDb Blurb: What starts out as girls weekend away in the Mojave desert becomes a tale of horror, death and alien invasion.

Cat’s Point of View:
The Seed had some stiff competition in the running for March’s Top 20 list and, unfortunately, didn’t make the cut. That being said, I was curious about the movie. Considering it was releasing as a Shudder original, chances were good we’d get access to a screener. Thus, here we are.
I have been sitting here for quite some time just staring at my computer screen – at a loss for where to begin describing this experience with The Seed.
It wasn’t horrible. I should start with that.
The story, itself, while it could probably use a little fine-tuning, was decent. The location chosen for the setting was pretty spectacular. The house had a real wow factor about it, and the landscape surrounding it gave credence to the isolation the characters experienced. There were some well-thought-out nuances laced throughout. I just felt The Seed had a predictable trajectory.

Here, we had another example of one of my biggest pet peeves in cinema – a trailer that gave away too much. If I had watched The Seed immediately after watching the trailer, I would have felt a sense that I’d just watched the whole thing twice. Considering the last time I’d seen The Seed’s trailer was weeks ago, I didn’t immediately experience anything more than Deja Vu. Of course, when I re-watched the trailer prior to writing this review, I was rather frustrated. There were also several comments on YouTube from viewers that echoed this sentiment. It’s sad to see a production shoot itself in the foot. In the case of The Seed, however, I could chalk it up to inexperience and hope that the production team is more selective in editing their next project’s teaser. I digress…
Considering this was writer/director Sam Walker’s (Tea Break, Small Gauge Trauma, The Spoilt Earth) full-length feature debut, and the lack of major studio backing, I think The Seed fared better than expected. The production value for most of the film was fairly good. Some of the scenes involving the creature were strange – but why not, really. The Seed used practical effects well to achieve its strange and disgusting results.
The Seed might be an odd little alien invasion movie, but I’m not entirely sorry I saw it. I’m not sure that it would stand up in the test of time; however, I wouldn’t go out of my way to steer anyone away from it. There’s something fitting to the story of ‘influencers’ getting influenced, themselves. Just remember to skip the trailer if you don’t want spoilers.

Rotten Tomatoes Critic Score – 60%
Rotten Tomatoes Audience Score – None
Metascore – None
Metacritic User Score – None
IMDB Score – 4.9/10
Trust the Dice: Parental Advisory Rating – R
Trust the Dice: Cat’s Rating – 3/5
Movie Trailer:

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