Streaming Service: Netflix
Movie Name/Year: Till Death (2021)
Genre: Horror, Thriller
Length: 88 minutes
Rating: R
Production/Distribution: Brave Carrot, Campbell Grobman Films, Millennium
Media, Millennium Films, Blue Lantern Entertainment International, CGV Mars
Dagitim, California Filmes, Cineforum, Deepjoy Picture, Dutch FilmWorks, Eagle
Films, Forum Film Bulgaria, Forum Film Slovakia, Joyncontents Group, Kinepolis
Film Distribution, Kinomania, Lionsgate India, Metropolitan Filmexport, NOS
Audiovisuais, Norsk Filmdistribusjon, Odeon, PT. Prima Cinema Multimedia, Phars
Film, Scanbox Entertainment, Telepool, Times Media Films, Top Film, United King
Films, Viva International Pictures, VĂ©rtice 360, Defiant Screen Entertainment,
Netflix, Screen Media Films, VVS Films
Director: S.K. Dale
Writer: Jason Carvey
Actors: Megan Fox, Eoin Macken, Callan
Mulvey, Jack Roth, Aml Ameen, Lili Rich, Stefanie Rozhko, Teodora Djuric
Blurb from IMDb: A woman is left handcuffed to her dead husband as part of a sick revenge plot. Unable to unshackle, she has to survive as two killers arrive to finish her off.
Cat’s Point of View:
Till Death didn’t land on our Top 20 for July 2021, but only just barely. July had some stiff competition that just edged it out by a hair’s breadth. The note I made for myself when I watched the trailer said “dastardly husband tries to kill wife on their anniversary with hints of Saw (2004), Escape Room (2019), and home-invasion-for-hire.”
Now that I’ve watched Till
Death, I’d have to say that the impression I got from the trailer was
spot-on. I really appreciated that the production delivered on its teased
promises – and then raised the bar.
Movie Name/Year: Till Death (2021)
Blurb from IMDb: A woman is left handcuffed to her dead husband as part of a sick revenge plot. Unable to unshackle, she has to survive as two killers arrive to finish her off.
Cat’s Point of View:
Till Death didn’t land on our Top 20 for July 2021, but only just barely. July had some stiff competition that just edged it out by a hair’s breadth. The note I made for myself when I watched the trailer said “dastardly husband tries to kill wife on their anniversary with hints of Saw (2004), Escape Room (2019), and home-invasion-for-hire.”
Rotten Tomatoes Critic Score – 89%
Rotten Tomatoes Audience Score –58%
Metascore – 66%
Metacritic User Score – 6.3/10
IMDB Score – 5.8/10
Trust the Dice: Cat’s Rating – 4/5
Movie Trailer:
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