Number Rolled: 25
Movie Name/Year: Remember
Me (2010)
Tagline: Live in
the moments.
Genre: Romance,
Length: 112
Rating: PG-13
Production Companies:
Summit Entertainment
Producer: Carol
Cuddy, Trevor Engelson, Michael Lannan, Nick Osborne, Robert Pattinson
Director: Allen
Writer: Will
Actors: Caitlyn
Rund, Chris Cooper, Robert Pattinson, Tate Ellington, Emilie de Ravin, Ruby
Jerins, Lena Olin, Gregory Jbara, Pierce Brosnan, Meghan Markle, Chris
McKinney, Kate Burton, Martha Plimpton
Stunt Doubles: Paul
Darnell, Samantha MacIvor
Blurb from Netflix:
Tyler’s still feeling lost following the tragedy that’s strained his
relationship with his father when he meets Ally, a girl who understands his
Selina’s Point of View:
Holy balls, that took a hard left turn.
I’m writing this forty-five minutes later and my eyes are still
wet. That film went in a completely different direction than I expected it to.
I’m going to stick to talking about the beginning and the
middle right now, because the ending might as well have been another movie
To start off with, it was pretty much what you would expect
from a romantic drama. In fact, the beginning was so normal that it could have
been the start of any romantic drama out there. I particularly liked the
pick-up lines Robert Pattinson (The Lost
City of Z, Cosmopolis, Little Ashes), as Tyler, had to issue when he first
met Emilie de Ravin’s (Once Upon a Time,
Love and Other Trouble, The Perfect Game) character. They were such
bullshit, dorky lines. However, it’s because Pattinson’s character was not
smooth that it made sense.
I hate going into a rom-com or rom-dram and watching the
supposedly nervous guy be so smooth that his shit clearly doesn’t stink. That
was not an issue here.
Pattinson isn’t even an actor I really like, but I enjoyed
his part in Remember Me. I respected
his chemistry with Tate Ellington (Shameless,
The Endless, Straight Outta Compton), the actor playing Tyler’s best
friend, and Ravin – but it was his interaction with Pierce Brosnan (No Escape, Survivor, The Love Punch)
that had me glued to the screen a lot of the time. Not just because I totally
related to the speech Pattinson’s character gave at one point… though that
I’m kind of stalling because I don’t know what to write
about that ending. How the hell do I do it justice?
The most I can really tell you, without issuing spoilers, is
that I didn’t even consider the possibility of the ending. It caught me so
off-guard that my mouth was hanging open the whole time. As I’ve said, it could
have been the end to a different movie. I don’t mean it was off topic or that
it didn’t fit, I mean that they took life and made this film reflect the
unpredictability. That is not an easy thing to do. Especially successfully.
That’s what this whole review comes down to. Remember Me was successful. It was a
tearjerker that broke my heart over and over again while keeping me riveted.
Cat’s Point of View:
I’m actually reeling a bit in the wake of watching this
That’s not a bad thing, though, I promise. I just couldn’t
have seen the ending coming even if it was the speeding freight train I was
standing on the tracks of – and it feels like it hit me like that, too.
I’m going to admit that I underestimated this movie a little.
Scratch that. A lot. Given that this was filmed during a time when Robert
Pattinson (Water for Elephants, Bel Ami,
Queen of the Desert) was on top of the world because he could be broody and
sparkle, I guess I expected that this would fall into the same sort of romantic
drama recipe – sans supernatural glitter-bugs.
Boy was I wrong.
Pattinson really didn’t get much of a chance to shine in the
tales of wand-wielding wizard school – there was just too much else going on.
This movie offered up so many opportunities to show his range through a whole
gauntlet of emotions – which he delivered believably. I was sucked into the
story; and even found myself worried about, and rooting for his character. Not
to mention Emilie de Ravin’s (The Hills
Have Eyes, Lost, The Submarine Kid). She displayed her character’s strength
and vulnerability beautifully.
The supporting cast here was also great.
I was jazzed that we had two Pierce Brosnan (The World's End, Urge, The Son) movies
this week. Surprisingly, I liked this much more than the one we watched for
Monday. Tate Ellington (The Kitchen,
Sinister 2, Quantico) was an epic best friend slash roommate, as well.
I’m not saying that the film didn’t play on some of the
well-established romantic drama tropes. I am saying, however, that it put a new
spin on the old recipe to give it a kick – right to the feels. I really have to
tip my hat to the screenwriter, Will Fetters (Georgetown, The Lucky One, The Best of Me), for this one. There
were so many little nuances in the story that spell a bigger picture than was
just hiding in plain sight.
I would definitely recommend this movie in a heartbeat.
Unfortunately, I don’t think I can watch it again after it already stomped on
my feels already.
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Rotten Tomatoes Critic Score – 27%
Rotten Tomatoes Audience Score – 68%
Metascore - 40/100
Metacritic User Score – 7.7/10
IMDb Score – 7.2/10
Trust the Dice: Selina’s Rating – 4.5/5
Trust the Dice: Cat’s Rating
– 4/5
Movie Trailer:
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