By: Selina
Through “This Week in Crowdfunding,” you’ll find five of the best projects Trust the Dice found hosted on crowdfunding sights this week. These are Films/Web Series/Shows of varying lengths and genres that we believe in. If you like any of the projects you see here, donate to them, tell your friends, and/or post it on social media.
These projects don’t just need money, they need people to care and spread the word that they exist.
Support creativity. Support indie artists.
Remember that every actor, director, writer, and movie you have ever fallen in love with had to start somewhere.
Trust the Dice does not, and will not, accept payment from project creators for
appearance on this list. Projects are chosen solely on the merit of the idea,
proposal, and people involved.
5 – Flicker
Crowdsource Platform: Indiegogo
Director: Alex Manzek
Writer: Susannah Martin, Daniel Kinney, Alex Manzek
Other Staff: Unknown
Amount Requested: $650
Current Standing (as of Saturday night): $200 raised by 3 backers.
Type of Goal: Flexible
I was a little torn about this project.
I’ll be honest, if I thought there was something else in crowdfunding more worth mentioning, Flicker might not have made this list. There’s not a whole lot of information on the Indiegogo page and an attempt to reach someone working on this project was met with crickets.
It’s a shame really, because the trailer is intriguing. It does its job. It makes me want to know more. The problem is that the rest of the page doesn’t give me enough information to help satisfy an investor curiosity.
I can’t really suggest funding this TV pilot, though you may opt to after you see the trailer. Either way, I’d check back occasionally in case the creators opt to add more information.
Lowest Fund Reward: $10 – Our Deepest Gratitude – Any amount helps us get one step closer to making this show happen! – Items Included: Our sincere thanks.
Highest Fund Reward: $100 – Show Poster – Receive a printed copy of the show’s poster! – Items Included: Show poster, name in credits, BTS photo
4 – Evil Woman
Crowdsource Platform: Indiegogo
Director: Danny Turkiewicz
Writer: Unknown
Other Staff: Jonah Lazowski (Producer), Dylan Roast (Producer), Emily McNulty (Associate Producer)
Amount Requested: $7,000
Current Standing (as of Saturday night): $2,040 raised by 8 backers.
Type of Goal: Flexible
There isn’t a huge amount of information on this project either, but there’s enough here for me to know that the creators have some really interesting comedic timing. That’s certainly important with the genre they’re working within – Dark Comedy.
Although there’s only a short blurb on what the film is about, it seems interesting. They’re also very specific and very clear about what they need the money for and how it will be utilized.
I wish we could have gotten a little taste of something about the film in the trailer that we don’t get from the rest of the Indiegogo page, but I still came away from it believing that the project has a significant chance of success if it were to get funded.
Lowest Fund Reward: $20 – You’re Just Trying to Help Out – You will receive a personalized hand written note from Danny Turkiewicz
Highest Fund Reward: $1,000 – Executive Producer – You will receive Executive Producer Credit, a personalized hand written letter from Danny Turkiewicz, a genuine smile from Danny the next time he sees you because he knows how much you donated, a private concert of Danny playing piano (must be able to travel to Los Angeles for private concert), and a romantic candlelight dinner with Ari Turkiewicz.
3 – Divided
Crowdsource Platform: Indiegogo
Director: Jessica Freund
Writer: Jessica Freund
Other Staff: Unknown
Amount Requested: $10,000
Current Standing (as of Saturday night): $1,300 raised by 14 backers.
Type of Goal: Flexible
This student film covers a very serious and heart breaking subject.
I’ll be honest, I’ve seen many films that cover subjects like this: family’s separated by a war. In this case, it’s because of the Korean War. Culturally sensitive histories, such as what this film is based on, are very easy for people outside the culture to forget or turn their nose up at. Often, the horrors of those events can cause people to deny the truth or just kind of shrug it off as a one-time thing.
Clearly, humans just can’t stop killing each other because it’s never a one-time thing.
This film looks well thought out and well researched. The money being raised is for the usual things (such as filming equipment, casting, and post-production), but it’s also being used to ensure that the costumes and set designs are as historically accurate as possible.
When covering a sensitive history, the way this film intends to, accuracy is a key factor in whether the film succeeds or fails. The majority of viewers won’t notice that a style used in the film isn’t quite right, but there are plenty of people that will, even if it’s just the most minor thing, and use that information to trash an otherwise great film.
Divided is the second most ‘expensive’ project that I’m featuring on this week’s list, but the funds are definitely necessary. I think, if anything, that they may wind up needing more – depending on exactly where they’re filming and how long filming takes.
Either way, this project seems very worth a person’s time, energy, and money.
Lowest Fund Reward: $10 – Social Media Shoutout – With this $10 donation you will receive a shoutout on our social media platforms!
Highest Fund Reward: $1,250 – Executive Producer Package – With this $1,250 donation you will receive the VIP Package (signed copy of the script and personal thank you letter from director, signed DVD copy of the film from entire crew, signed poster from entire crew, digital download, and invite to the set), and an Executive Producer Credit in the film.
2 – Black Holes
Crowdsource Platform: Kickstarter
Director: David Nicolas, Laurent Nicolas
Writer: David Nicolas, Laurent Nicolas
Other Staff: Kevos Van Der Meiren (Producer, Co-Director), Lola Delon (Writer, Co-Producer, Actor, Soundtrack), Steve Little (Actor), William Fichtner (Actor), Conrad Vernon (Actor), Jon Amirkhan (Actor), Michael Tomasetti (Actor), Flying Lotus (Soundtrack), Sebastian (Soundtrack), Pepe Bradock (Soundtrack), Dennis Hamm (Soundtrack), Quentin Dupieux (Sound Design)
Amount Requested: $100,000
Current Standing (as of Saturday night): $68,804 raised by 718 backers.
Type of Goal: All or Nothing
Above you will see the CGI Animated proof of concept for Black Holes.
I really have no reason to say anything negative about this project. The animation style is kind of kooky, but it definitely fits the plot. The entire thing is interesting and hilarious. The Kickstarter page is in depth and leaves very little to the imagination. Aside from that, the proof of concept is easily the best argument for people to donate money toward this project.
I had a hell of a time choosing between this project and The Other for this week’s number one spot. I flip-flopped between them several times before I scheduled this post and about twice after. Really, they probably should be tied, but we don’t do ties here.
It may not have the cultural importance of The Other, but it’s incredibly entertaining, well made, and just all-around awesome.
You can’t lose with this project. I can’t really expand on what the Kickstarter page covers, because it covers anything you could possibly want to know. I highly recommend you check it out and either donate or share.
Lowest Fund Reward: $5 – The Haggler’s Pack – For those who wish to participate but regret the almond latte they could have purchased with that sum. – Includes: Individual shout out from Black Holes’ Twitter account. Digital bundle w/ samples of storyboards, graphic research, etc.
Highest Fund Reward: $10,000 – The Geronimo Pack – This pack is best suited for true visionaries – Includes: Executive Producer credit on Season 1, take part in production meetings during development of Season 1, 4 tickets to any premiere + dinner with team, +Super-Fan-Pack
1 – The Other
Crowdsource Platform: Kickstarter
Director: Shilpi Roy
Writer: Brittani Noel
Other Staff: Brent Bailey (Actor), Anthony C. Kuhnz (Cinematographer), Leah McKendrick (Producer), Stacie Theon (Producer), Matt Marcy (Actor), Tammy Kaitz (Actor), Monte LaMonte (Actor), Zack Gold (Actor)
Amount Requested: $7,500
Current Standing (as of Saturday night): $6,445 raised by 95 backers.
Type of Goal: All or Nothing
“So… what are you?”
Man, I’ve hated that question for my entire life. I’m not even the product of an interracial relationship, but I couldn’t get any straight forward answers about my roots until last year. I had family members telling me my dad was mostly Native American, others telling me that we were mostly Russian. For a long time, when I was a kid, people thought I was lying about my heritage because my answer always changed, but I was just repeating what one person or another in my family had told me. I swear, you’d think this would be the easiest question to answer, but it took me until I was 32 years old to finally get a straight and complete answer. Now I can say the majority of my background is Irish, but not everyone can eventually narrow it down to just one.
This project is not a documentary, but the viewpoint it delves into is a fascinating one. It takes a question that a lot of people find so super easy to answer and explains why it’s not the same for everyone. It doesn’t just go into how the main character relates to the rest of the world, but how she finds it difficult to relate to herself because of her multiracial identity.
The trailer is well made and it’s fascinating. Brittani Noel is incredibly well spoken and I have no doubt, just from what I’ve seen in the video and on the Kickstarter page, that she will do the subject justice.
I am almost certain that if this film reaches its goal it will be very successful at the festivals.
As our number one pick for this week, I’ve donated a small amount from Trust the Dice toward what we hope will be a fully funded, wonderful project.
Lowest Fund Reward: $1 – Join the “Others”! – Every dollar counts! Feel good knowing that you’re chipping in to make this film a reality. Good karma will be sent your way. You’ll also get access to exclusive updates on Kickstarter!
Highest Fund Reward: $2,000 – Executive Producer Credit – WOW, this makes you a massive part of “The Other” team! THANK YOU for believing in this & putting your skin in the game in a big way. You’ll receive official Executive Producer credit on IMDb and have the opportunity to witness various steps of the creative process, including access to the script, the opportunity to visit the set, and first looks at the rough cuts of the film. You and a guest will also be invited to our cast and crew screening as VIPs, and you’ll hopefully get to attend one of our festivals! (Note: travel and accommodations not included). Also includes a digital copy of the film, blooper reel, video thank you and personalized photo overlay.
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